8/10/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Could this 2016 election possibly end up like the 2000 election? If it’s close like George Bush and Al Gore was, the Supreme Court would not need to get involved. In the end the election would be in Congress’s hands and in the hands of state legislators, many of which are controlled by Republicans, which would hand the Presidency to Donald Trump. Also, the pom-pom boys will never blame Trump for his mishaps or failures but will blame Ted Cruz and Republicans who don’t support him. If Trump loses it will be his fault and that of his media surrogates. His surrogates have acted as enablers, pushing him from day one. Later, Hillary Clinton is hiding behind a Gold Star Family when attacking Trump. However it was her policies that led to more Gold Star Families. In addition, we now see the Department of Justice once again attacking the Baltimore police with phony statistics. And while the Baltimore police are being attacked by the Obama administration, the left is demanding criminal justice reform, casting criminals as victims? The problem we have in this country is not enough law and order. Finally, Brian Mast is running for Congress in Florida’s 18th Congressional District calls in to discuss his race.