10/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Obama and his Obamacare experts have been lying to the American people all along about the destructive nature of their signature health care plan. Now, it is all unraveling right before our eyes and we’re stuck with it. Premiums are set to go up in Arizona by 116%, Tennessee by 63% in Oklahoma by 69% and will increase by a lot in other states. This is highway robbery and it’s not like the service is getting any better. Hospitals, doctors, patients and insurance companies are struggling. The only one getting richer as a result of Obamacare this is the government. Also, the healthcare exchanges are going under. However, when the planners fail it’s never there fault. If the people don’t fall in line they need to be punished according to them. Experts like Jonathan Gruber are telling us Obamacare is great, think they know better, but they don’t. If Hillary Clinton is elected folks like Jonathan Gruber will be all over the government. To add, we will have huge entitlements that we will never be able to get rid of. We can’t take much more of this. Some of us aren’t going to sit on sidelines and cast a vote for someone who will lose. The only effective vessel we have is Donald Trump to fight Hillary Clinton. The moral and principled thing to do is to stop Hillary. It doesn’t mean we support Trump blindly, but Hillary is a leftist and unindicted felon. This cronyism and corruption will be moved into the Oval Office if Hillary gets in. Also, the Fox News Channel is imploding and Megyn Kelly is out of control. In an interview with Newt Gingrich she implies Donald Trump is a sexual predator. She claims to support women but she doesn’t. She didn’t help any victims of sexual assault with her TV show and could not even acknowledge that Bill Clinton is sexual predator. Her purpose in attacking Trump is just one of self-aggrandizement and self-promotion. Finally, Sen. Ron Johnson calls in to talk about his reelection campaign in Wisconsin.