11/2/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: To say that FBI Director James Comey is trying to influence the election and should resign is a disgrace. Comey had an obligation to disclose the information related to Hillary Clinton’s emails and those like Bret Stephen’s of the WSJ editorial page and Judge Napolitano are wrong. Why isn’t Loretta Lynch under fire from them? She is the real problem and there should be calls for Lynch’s resignation. In addition, the FBI and Hillary’s staff and assistants are under the scrutiny, but shouldn’t Hillary be under scrutiny? Because Hillary is running, she seems to be above the law. This election isn’t about Hillary, but the American people. She put herself in this position by violating the Espionage Act. After that, on election night when you’re watching the returns, in your heart, who do you really want to win and who do you really want to lose? As a Constitutional Conservative, as a Tea Party activist, as a Reaganite, what do you really think is in the best interest of your nation and your family, even though you may not have a candidate in this race? Is it not in fact the defeat of Hillary Clinton and all that means? Hillary is a shoe in if conservatives don't vote for Trump. We are not pretending that Trump is Ronald Reagan or James Madison, but he is the person we have, through the system, to stop Hillary. Later, we need to protect liberty and capitalism and reject the radical left's social agenda and put down the bureaucracy, thin it out and cut taxes. If Congress was allowed to put the courts in their proper place, and if America followed the rules of the Constitution, our nation would be a free and prosperous place.