11/3/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Obama, the Democrats and the media are onto something. If Hillary Clinton is elected president it will be historic, because never before has a husband and wife team been impeached. Also, the Clinton Foundation, Hillary and almost half a dozen of her staffers are under investigation. Now they are lashing out at the FBI because this is what leftists do. If James Comey is to be faulted it’s because he waited 3 weeks while early voting was going on to reopen the Hillary investigation. Later, the FBI finds emails related to Hillary's State Department tenure. It remains to be seen if these emails are relevant in the Clinton case. Hillary and her lawyers said that they had turned over everything relevant to the FBI. If it is found that they didn’t, Hillary then they obstructed justice. In addition, we now know that Obama corresponded with Hillary on his specially secured Blackberry phone. This means that he communicated classified discussions via Hillary’s private email server — the same unsecured email server that mishandled classified information and was assuredly hacked by foreign governments. In doing so, did Obama violate the Espionage Act? And if so, could this be one of the reasons Obama is campaigning so aggressively for Hillary? Finally, Joe DiGenova, a former U.S. Attorney, calls in to talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.