10/31/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: It’s Loretta Lynch who should resign and who is obstructing justice. Why all the attention on James Comey? This attorney general and staff tried to get the FBI to back off the Clinton Foundation investigation. Also, Lynch had a completely unethical meeting with Bill Clinton in Phoenix. What we have here is an election cover up by Lynch and the DOJ who think they can pull one over the American people. The FBI is now looking into 650,000 emails related to Hillary Clinton found on a laptop used by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. Lynch wanted Comey not to tell anybody or correct the record until after the election. In addition, do we want to try to hold onto our republic or do we want to become a banana republic? Hillary Clinton is a dangerous woman. Could you imagine her being in charge of the DOJ? This election is about damage control. Any country without a good justice system is not worth anything. If Hillary gets elected there will be a constitutional crisis. Hillary must be stopped or conservatives and the rest of the country will regret it. We need to get back to a normal governing system without all the fraud, cronyism and corporatism. Donald Trump is no constitutional conservative but he is certainly not Hillary. A vote for Trump is a principled choice. Stopping Hillary gives our country another shot. Finally, Mike Pence calls in to talk about the state of the Trump campaign.