11/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Two officers were shot in cold blood in the Bronx, NY on Friday and 2 were killed in Iowa recently. Meanwhile you have President Obama and Hillary Clinton going around and screaming about Donald Trump’s finger being on the nuclear code. Why don’t we hear anything from them about the officers who were tragically shot? After that, Mike Pence calls in to talk about the state of the campaign and the two possible futures the American people have in front of them. Hillary Clinton wants a healthcare system like Canada and Trump wants to turn healthcare over to the private sector and unleash the power of the free market. In addition, Trump wants to pick Supreme Court justices who will respect and honor the Constitution and their decisions, while Hillary will nominate radical leftists to the court. Later, Scott Garrett from New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District calls in to talk about his reelection campaign. The Republicans are not coming to Garrett’s aid. He is under attack from the left and his own party won’t defend him. This is how Paul Ryan and Republicans thin the herd and exactly how they treated Tim Huelskamp. They attack conservatives more than they fight Obama and Hillary. Finally, Marco Rubio calls in to talk about his reelection campaign to the U.S. Senate in Florida.