10/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Hillary Clinton is campaigning on once and for all unmooring our government from the Constitution. Hillary wants to expand the part of government that makes Americans’ vote irrelevant, disenfranchises them and takes away their liberty. This is the great coup against the American Revolution and our heritage of liberty. The war on individual, faith, family, capitalism and citizenship is being made by the leftists. This is the progressive thinking that we are to be ruled by experts and professionals. In addition, if the Democrats controlled the Senate, the House and the presidency, they would try to confer as much power on that president as possible. This is back door totalitarianism with more and more power being seized by the president. Leftists reject our founding and consider those who don’t follow their thinking backwards. You have one candidate, Hillary Clinton who will put the final nail in the coffin and one candidate Donald Trump who will not. The choice is about damage control not about who is the most moral. Finally, Joe Miller running for Senate in Alaska calls in.