Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Benny – School Days Part 3. 340921 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:01

After a rough start with the audio, Jack enters to talk with Don about going to a boxing match, and talk about milestone fights through the previous few decades. What does Mary, Frank, or Don know about boxing? Don begins to play, but his number is snipped. Get ready for a return to those good old fashioned school days. The cast do their part to play at being unruly students for teacher, Jack. To fill out the class, a voice impressionist joins the fun to portray famous celebrities, and show what they might have been like as kids. How well do you think you could do with the lessons and quiz that Jack gives his students? Plenty of jokes about school, kids, and getting crazy answers to some basic questions that teachers like to ask.

 Great Gildersleeves – Leroy is Jealous Of Baby. 480922 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

or the past two weeks, Gildersleeves has been visited by an abandoned baby. He stops in at Peavey's to pick up a roll of film to take pictures of the baby. With all the attention, LeRoy feels left out, and is jealous. The baby even moves into LeRoy's room, and he is pushed out into the sewing room. Gildy discovers that LeRoy has disappeared. Miss Goodwin stops in to talk about LeRoy and the baby, teachers and principles know about these things. Slammed with the truth, and potential problems, Gildy has a wake up call. He faces up to LeRoy and makes amends. Although LeRoy doesn't move back in to the house. He is allowed to camp out in his clubhouse. Hey, that does seem like a pretty cool thing to do. I wish I had a clubhouse, Now I'm jealous.

 All Star Western Theater – Drifting, With Tim Holt. 460922. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:26

The Riders of the Purple Sage open with a song, Soux City Sue. Features Cowboy star, and war hero, Tim Holtz in a drama titled, Drifting. After his wife has died, the brokenhearted cowboy sets out drifting. No longer having a name of his own, he's just known as Drifty. When he takes on a new job at a ranch, Drifty's life is about to change again. As weeks go by, Drifty seems to have found a new home, and is fond of his rancher boss and family. Tim and Jenny find themselves into trouble, but it's just the thing that Drifty knows how to handle. Is he going to betray his employers, and stab them in the back? Stay tuned for a surprise secret. The Riders return to sing that Western classic, Cool Water.

 Vic and Sade – Vic Declines Cornet Lessons. 411014h | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:41

It's late in the evening as we visit the small house halfway up the next block. As Sade and Rush sleepily head off to bed, Vic arrives homeafter an evening at the lodge. In his office as the Exalted Big Dipper, Vic was obligated to stay longer, and tells about a flattering offer to learn how to play the coronet. Rush is too engrossed in his 3rd Lt Stanley book to get in on the conversation much, and is fended off when he tries to join in. With Vic's great love for parades, and marching in the lodge's band, it's a littled strange that Vic would turn down the lessons. If he's going to pass on the musical endeavor, who might he pass the lessons on to? Rush offers his ideas on a worthy recipient, but will Vic ever make his decision

 Whitehall 1212 – Case Of The Black Gladstone Bag. 520323 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

The inspectors of Scotland Yard share how a gladstone bag came into their possession, and how it was connected to murder. A mix up in returning a bag to its rightful owner at a cloak room, has the bag, and its blood soaked contents at the police station. Mr Digman files his statement of innocence, and how a stranger had his bag. Can his wierd story be believed about how the blood got there? It might seem incriminating and lame, if there werent a ring of truth to it. The cops are curious enough to pursue the chain of evidence. As the clues in the statement are verified, the case develops. Does everything match up? What will they find? Bank robbery? Murder? Missing persons? Is Digman the confused victim that he claims, or has he actually committed the violent murder? As carefully laid as the killer's plans were, jussjustice triumphs in the end.

 Black Museum – The Telegram. ep46, 1952 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:35

A common telegram holds the invitation to die. Orson Wells is on hand to trace how it became a fixture in Scotland Yard's black museum of death. The forces of law and order sometimes take weeks or months to develop, but this is a case where things fall into place quickly. A paper trail materializes rapidly thanks to a telegram reciept. The suspects are placed accurately. Join in, gather the clues, and get the testimonies to build the case. As quickly as the case has built, it comes to a sudden stand still. Has our killer gotten away? Is there still hope that a random clue will fall into the hands of the police by accident? Train stations, chauffeurs, forged checks, and more all add up to murder. Will the desperate John Mitchell be the source of more murders before this ordeal is finished? Can the cops actually bring a solid case to the court? For charges as serious as murder, there's no room to have less than a foolproof case.

 Dr Kildare – Sam Lubinski Has Spinal Paralysis. 500921 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:38

Despite the fast paced changes in modern medicine, Dr Kildare wishes it would move faster, to relieve those who are ailing. His discussion with the elder Dr Gillespie is interupted by an urgent call. A spinal chord injury is the result of an accident, but can our heros save their patient? Doctors Kildare and Gillespie are both on hand for the dramatic rescue, and using all the high tech measures available to them at the time, a life is saved. The question remains, how much help can they provide for the now paralized man? The high tech methods of the rescue, and medical treatment are dramatic, but seem quaint by today's standards. The doctores try to solve the mystery of what the source of the paralisis might be. Shrapnel, or a foreign body in the patient? Is it something that can be removed? Even so, will it heal the patient, or just help him from getting worse? The barrage of high technology may do well to have a nudge from some good nursing from nurse Parker, and an old fashioned technique from Doc Gillespie.

 Burns and Allen – Hat Box Hostage. 421117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:57

George is upset over the way Gracie has been spending money lately. The happy Postman enters with a word on what his home life is like, but the bill for Gracie's hat pushes George over the top. How is the over budget spending unpatriotic? George explains how the unnecessary spending takes away from the war effort, and in the capacity for buying bonds to support the troops. Jimmy Cash sings, When the Lights Go On All Over the World. Shopping for her party, Gracie runs into her friend, Tootsie Stagwell, in the butcher shop. Will she keep to her promise to George to keep to their budget? Pinching pennies, Gracie buys a live turkey and hides her surprise in a hatbox that she borrowed from Tootsie. Won't George be surprised? At home, George thinks that Gracie has spurged on a new hat again, and her suspicious behavior only serves to feed George's doubt. But the situation is more comedy packed than that. Herman the Duck might have a thing to say about the new addition. Paul Whiteman plays, and his vocalists sin. Unless Gracie can patch things up in the poultry department, the feathers are going to fly.

 Richard Diamond – Brown Envelope Case. 511207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

It was a dark and stormy night, with a sultry dame and a hard boiled detective. The resulting fender vbender sets Dick Diamond off to a repair shop, and a mystery. What is there in the wrecked car that gets a tough guy crossing paths with Richard Diamond? Not to mention dead. The cops get the story from Richard, and all the details. Listen in, and you'll get the clues as wel. A brown envelope provides the motivation for desperate gangsters to want it back in a bad way. The ellusive envelope manages to find itself in the hands of Dick, and he's off to get more out of his sultry dame. What does she know? What might she be hiding? Find out for sure when Dick gets on the trail of gangsters at the nightclub. You know it's going to involve trouble. Will the crooks come to justice? Will Dick get the girl? Stay tuned for the romantic, musical ending.

 Vic and Sade – No More Pretty Boy. 440620. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:38

What makes a good impression on others? Is it accomplishments at work? Is it handsome, good looks? Is it being competitive, and coming out on top? As Russel and Vic brag, and tell about a few misfortunes of their friends and co-workers, Sade is just not impressed at all. She doesn't understand their egos, and feels they are being too heartless.

 Command Performance – Clifton Fadiman. 420416 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

Well known and loved host of the quiz show, Information Please, is today's host. Clifton Fadiman calls on the orchestra to play a jazzy version of, Polly Wolly Doodle. Responding to requests, Phil Baker has some help from Beetle and Bottle in portraying a Charlie Chan spoof. Bennay Venuta sings, What About You. John Ringling, from the Ringling Brothers Circus joins Clifton to tell about his circus, clowns, and the acts in his circus. The Golden Gate Boys sing, Noah. Comedian, Walter O'Keefe, jokes about the world powers of military might, both ours and the enemy. Other topics designed to appeal to the military audience includes Gypsy Rose Lee, chasing girls, and how he helped win the previous world war in the Marines. Not to mention singing a song aimed at poking fun of the Axis government leaders . There's till time for Dinah Shore to appear and sing Without Him Blues.

 Captain Midnight – Captain Demands To Hear Chuck’s Voice. 400308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:48

Tell your Skelley man that you're a member of Captain Midnights Flight Patrol, and he'll have some swell prizes for you. Listening posts are tuned in and ready for Ivan Sharks anticipated radio call. Captain Midnight responds to the voice coming through the ether by demanding proof that Chuck is alive and well. Patsy is on hand to take down every word, but why won't Shark let Chuck speak over the airwaves? What kind of sneaky game is Shark playing? What can Captain Midnight do in the meantime to help the situation? Using maps, and information from the direction of the radio signal, a position is plotted. It'll take more data to figure out Shark's position with any accuracy though. Shark is no fool, and has some sneaky tricks up his sleeve.

 Whistler – Broken Chain. 460520 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:12

Arnold is a man who is contemplating leaving his wife. He helps around the house, and responds to his talkative wifes every request. Evelyn is more heartbroken over her bvroken dishes than paying attention to the needs of her husband. Evelyn is a nice person, but it's a classic situation of a couple who has one person having their love tank filled, while the other is desperately empty. It's enough to find Arnold planning a murder. Has the perfect crime been committed? Will Arnold be able to play it off as the distraught husband, and have a perfect alibi? The waiting game that Arnold has put himself through is a recipe for suspense. The clock ticks, the pressure grows, the emotional strain is pushed to the brink. Neres frazzle, paranoia sets in. All Arnold has to do is keep his cool until the body is found. Hass someone discovered Arnold's murderous plan? Justice comes, but will Arnold tip his hand, or will a more explosive twist ending bring about a more satisfying end to our killer? Features Elliot Lewis as Arnold.

 Fred Allen – Texaco Star Theater – Fetlock Bones, guest Reginald Gardiner. 440409 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:52

Fred Allen arrives to poke fun with Jimmy Wallington about his fashion choices. Portland pitches in about her walk in the Easter parade with her mom. The question of the day in Allens Alley is about the food shortage, and how the residents of the alley are dealing with it. Senator Klaghorn, Mr Rapaport, and others share their views on food violations. Falstaff Openshore has a poem for everything, and today it's one called, the Meatball's Lament. Al Goodman plays, and his vocalists Milo Jack and the Dame sing, Wish I May Wish I Might. Portland and Fred joke about horse racing, Frank Sinatra, then the play is introduced. Fred leaves to try to get Reginald Gardener to help out with the sketch. The Brittish comedian and impersonator gives a little sample of his tallent. He makes everything talk from worms to snakes to windshield wipers. The Oxford educated entertainer joins in with jokes about Jack Benny and his most recent film flop, the Horn Blows at Midnight. The play is a mystery spoof about Sherlock Holmes, but the detective is named Fetlock Bones. Wordplay and puns rule as the big game hunter shares his story with our detective heros. The solution to the case of missing persons is resolved when the crime at the bridge game is renacted. How do the Pekinese of the Baskervilles play a part?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Newspaper Column. 390919 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:53

The gossip columnist of the Wistful Vista Gazette has taken a vacation, and left his job to Fibber McGee. Cheif editor Gildersleeves checks up on Fibbers work. Well, he may not be the editor, but it doesn't keep the jokes from coming. Fibbers secretary, Miss Print, brings bad news that an upset reader wants to horse whip Fibber over an article he wrote. As he hides, Billy Mills plays a peppy tune. Checking out the night life for his column, Fibber hits the night clubs and talks with the Old Timer. Hal Peary provides the voice for the waiter who gives a few pointers on the society types and under world characters in town. Speaking to Abigail Uppington, Fibber gets more than wind of high society trends. He learns that the angry reader is near and determined to horse whip him if he finds him. Donald Novas sings, Melanchollie Moon. Back in the newspaper office, Fibber hears a few juicy tidbits from Horatio K Boomer. Sort of. What about the guy with the horse whip? Fibber can't run any more, but first he gets a visit from Teeny.


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