Vic and Sade – Vic Declines Cornet Lessons. 411014h

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It's late in the evening as we visit the small house halfway up the next block. As Sade and Rush sleepily head off to bed, Vic arrives homeafter an evening at the lodge. In his office as the Exalted Big Dipper, Vic was obligated to stay longer, and tells about a flattering offer to learn how to play the coronet. Rush is too engrossed in his 3rd Lt Stanley book to get in on the conversation much, and is fended off when he tries to join in. With Vic's great love for parades, and marching in the lodge's band, it's a littled strange that Vic would turn down the lessons. If he's going to pass on the musical endeavor, who might he pass the lessons on to? Rush offers his ideas on a worthy recipient, but will Vic ever make his decision