Black Museum – The Telegram. ep46, 1952

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A common telegram holds the invitation to die. Orson Wells is on hand to trace how it became a fixture in Scotland Yard's black museum of death. The forces of law and order sometimes take weeks or months to develop, but this is a case where things fall into place quickly. A paper trail materializes rapidly thanks to a telegram reciept. The suspects are placed accurately. Join in, gather the clues, and get the testimonies to build the case. As quickly as the case has built, it comes to a sudden stand still. Has our killer gotten away? Is there still hope that a random clue will fall into the hands of the police by accident? Train stations, chauffeurs, forged checks, and more all add up to murder. Will the desperate John Mitchell be the source of more murders before this ordeal is finished? Can the cops actually bring a solid case to the court? For charges as serious as murder, there's no room to have less than a foolproof case.