Captain Midnight – Captain Demands To Hear Chuck’s Voice. 400308

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Tell your Skelley man that you're a member of Captain Midnights Flight Patrol, and he'll have some swell prizes for you. Listening posts are tuned in and ready for Ivan Sharks anticipated radio call. Captain Midnight responds to the voice coming through the ether by demanding proof that Chuck is alive and well. Patsy is on hand to take down every word, but why won't Shark let Chuck speak over the airwaves? What kind of sneaky game is Shark playing? What can Captain Midnight do in the meantime to help the situation? Using maps, and information from the direction of the radio signal, a position is plotted. It'll take more data to figure out Shark's position with any accuracy though. Shark is no fool, and has some sneaky tricks up his sleeve.