Fred Allen – Texaco Star Theater – Fetlock Bones, guest Reginald Gardiner. 440409

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Fred Allen arrives to poke fun with Jimmy Wallington about his fashion choices. Portland pitches in about her walk in the Easter parade with her mom. The question of the day in Allens Alley is about the food shortage, and how the residents of the alley are dealing with it. Senator Klaghorn, Mr Rapaport, and others share their views on food violations. Falstaff Openshore has a poem for everything, and today it's one called, the Meatball's Lament. Al Goodman plays, and his vocalists Milo Jack and the Dame sing, Wish I May Wish I Might. Portland and Fred joke about horse racing, Frank Sinatra, then the play is introduced. Fred leaves to try to get Reginald Gardener to help out with the sketch. The Brittish comedian and impersonator gives a little sample of his tallent. He makes everything talk from worms to snakes to windshield wipers. The Oxford educated entertainer joins in with jokes about Jack Benny and his most recent film flop, the Horn Blows at Midnight. The play is a mystery spoof about Sherlock Holmes, but the detective is named Fetlock Bones. Wordplay and puns rule as the big game hunter shares his story with our detective heros. The solution to the case of missing persons is resolved when the crime at the bridge game is renacted. How do the Pekinese of the Baskervilles play a part?