Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 21st Precinct – The Shotgun. ep53, 540714 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:00

In the precinct office, Captain Canelli sets teh stage in the typical day of uniformed police officers. Reports from patrolmen are interupted by a woman who enters to claim that she just shot her husband with a shotgun. The doubtful police go to check out the crime sene. As they find the body, the audio stops. Hey, I know it[s short, but I thought the story was a good one, cutting edge for the 1950's, and some decent acting. Too bad J we don't find out the outcome, and whether the cops have more on their hands than a straight forward killing where the murderer is a brute and deserves their punishment.

 Halls Of Ivy – The Bentheimers And The Census. 500621 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Doc Hall is to be interviewed, but an emergency has erupted when Mr Wellman has another crisis. What is the latest emergency for the school board? A vagrant with 7 kids has moved onto the campus grounds. The man is something of a notorious figure, as we learn from Wellman's rant about the outrageous situation. What can Doc Hall and Vicky do about running off the undesireable family? They go to pay the Bentheimers a visit. Even a homeless family has their pride. The soft hearted Doc Hall decides to do what he can to help the family get a break on their luck. Caught between his logical side, and his sympathetic side, Doc Hall has to face up to the school authorities. A discovery about Mr Wellman and his relatives might provide the link needed to provide the solution to the homeless familyThe added boost to the population is the thing to push zoning rules, and win a construction contract that will be beneficial to all. Now the ball is back in Mr Wellman's court, if only he can find it in himself to woo the Bentheimers to stay put for the census. Might they even wind up with a permanent home, and a job?

 Lum and Abner – Lum Must Try Himself. 420123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Lum has been arrested after being caught breaking into the Jot 'Em Down store. Today we find him still being held under Marshal Henry Lundford's care. The ever watchful, and strict lawman tries to run his jaiol by the book. Not having any prisoners before in Pine Ridge, he tries to run the tiny jail like a big time prison. The case against Lum is flimsy enough, and his whole case hinges on the letter he wrote to deed over his part of the store to Abner. At every turn, Squire has a hand in stirring up trouble. But where could that letter be? Abner is ready to make up with Lum, and wants to rip up that letter. There's just a little complication with that plan, even though Lum has had the letter in his possession for severl days now. We also learn that Lum is in the position of putting his own case on triao since he's the Justice of the Peace.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Hotdogs And A Blowout. 350430 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

Those nutty nomads are back, and with a generous musical mix, they have a few car troubles. The fast talking Fibber spins yarns as Harlow Wilcox acts as his straight man, and Molly gets in her own jabs to keep Fibber humgle. Jokes about those high gas prices of 16 cents get some patriotic laughs. Being the underpaid actors they are, Molly keeps a close eye on their funds, while Fibber tries to hide his splurge over spending his money on a hot dog. His tall tales continue as car troubles and travelling jokes grow. Jokes on aging lead to the McGees singing one of their early novelty songs.

 CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Spaces On The Wall. 790620 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:33

There are always two sides to any story, especially stories of love. The art world is a wierd world indeed, as a group of high society art lovers are about to find out. After a secret art purchase is completed, the four paintings are discovered to come with conflicts. Are they legitimate originals? Or are they fakes? The art dealer has apparently sold the same paintings to more than one buyer. The artist is long dead, but how did the duplicates manage to show up? Listen to get the clues to solve this mystery. No character is beyond suspicion. Private detective, Tom Mosery, is called upon to unravel the mess. Questions are raised. Is the artist actually dead? If the paintings are fakes, wouldn't it have taken a tallented artist to produce them? Is this all some kind of orchestrated event designed to cast doubt on reputations? The players in the story want the investigation to be kept secret, but will that be possible? Put your own detective skills to work as the clues are gathered in this twisted, and strange tale. Kick the lid off the truth, and learn who the crook is. But wait. Even the criminal has a story behind their motivation. Who is the actual victim in this mystery?

 Command Performance – Joan Edwards, Jack Carson, Paulette Goddard, Randolph Scott. 450621 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Audio quality is mushy and poor, but generally understandable if you have earphones, or a quiet listening environment. Hosted by Joan Edwards who sings, I'm Beginning to See the Light. Jack Carson enters to tease Joan, but she manages to fend of his advances. The jokes on girl chacing are sure to please the military audience. Paulette Goddard arrives to come to Joans aid against the wolfish advances. The Town Criers sing, Navy Blue. A Western drama featuring Randolph Scot has the gals all excited. Will Jack be able to prove that he's as much of a man as the cowboy movie legend? Enjoy the gun toting action in the salloon as Jack and Randolph meet for a showdown. Joan is back for a closing song.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Is In Jail. 420122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

After his botched robbery, Lum finds himself in jail. Will he let Abnerexplain his side of the story? Lum complains about the hard labor that he has been forced to do. Has Lum's reputation been ruined beyond repair? The embarrassing treatment is almost too much to bear. Marshal Henry Lundsford enters to put his prisoner through his paces. The old gent sure runs a tight ship. Through some crazy mixups with Henry Lundsford, the truth finally comes out abouthow Squire set him up. Though friendships are easily mended, will the long arm of the law see it the same way?

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Champion of Faro Flats. ep 79, 520516 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

A gang of bandits have their work broken up when Wild Bill and Jingles ride along the prairies. The owner of the wagon shares his plans to be the champion of the big contest, but Jingles is doubtful of his chances. What kind of contest can a bullfrog hope to win? Why are men determined to keep the frog from showing up? Honor is at stake in a tale that's worthy of Mark Twain, and his Jumping Frog of Calavaras County. Desperate miners and rough men are behind the danger and western suspense, but Jingles manages to add a bit of comic relief to the action. But as hungry as Jingles can get, suerrely he wouldn't resort to eating the prize winning jumping frog of his friend. Would he? Don't worry, it wasn't anything as gruesome as that, but get ready for some last minute froggie action.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Plans A Robbery. 420120 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:00

Differences between Lum and Abner were almost patched up. A last minute arguement has found Lum storming off with a library book where grandpap hid the letter that disolved the longstanding partnership. Today in the Jot 'Em Down store, Abner faces the ordeal of trying to get back that letter, and avoid Squire Skimp. Still, the sneaky and scheming Squire might just be the person to help Lum get his partnership back. Led on by Squire, Lum plans a break in to swipe the letter that he doesn't know that he already has. Since Squire owes Abner money on his grocery bill, he sees his chance to play both sides of the fence, and warns Abner about the planned robbery.

 Captain Midnight – Captain And Patsy Discuss Chuck’s Disappearance. 400207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:44

A strange mystery has developed. After rushing to the hospital to visit their friend, Patsy and Captain Midnight discover that Chuck has been missing for the past 24 hours. Has the young pilot simply gone on a joy ride flight in his airplane? Has he been ambushed, or captured somehow? It isn't like Chuck to be gone this long, and with night falling soon or friends begin to worry All the logical possibilities are eliminated one by one, and the outcome isn't looking good. Where will the desperate search lead?

 Great Gildersleeves – Leroy Buys A Car, 510905. (retro399) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:30

After the family has returned from Summertime activities, they share a few highlights of their camping, fishing, and other outdoor outings. Is Leroy showing signs of getting older and mellowing out? I think it's just a matter of getting bigger, and wanting biger toyhs. Cars are expensive, so Gildy tries to discourage the matter by telling Leroy he can only get a car if he saves up for it. How long could that take? What kind of a car can be purchased for $5? Consider that in modern dollas, that's about $50. Finding Leroy having fun with his new heap, Gildy takes a walk, and encounters Judge Hooker. Will Gildy let Leroy keep the old clunker if he can convince him that it will never run? Providing a little muscle to the crank, Gildy gets the car running, and hope springs in Leroy at the prospect of keeping the old machine. Now that Leroy has his old cluncker running, Gildy has to face up to his promise to teach his nephew how to drive. Trying to find a way out of his promise, Gildersleeves sneaks out early for a breakfast at Peavey's drugstore. Though the car runs, will the cops let it pass a safety inspection so Leroy can get license plates? Will this be the day Leroy learns to drive? Will the car be a keeper, or condemned? Get ready for a surprise ending when the Police Chief lends his hand to the situation. Bonus Track: Tony Martin and Dinah Shore. 1951, A Penny a Kiss. PS: In the show, Leroy claims to have only 15 cents worth of gas. Though that might be only a few drops in our modern cas tanks, it was probably between a half to a full gallon in 1951. His old clunker was also said to be getting 30 MPG. Impressive for the beat up old thing. r

 My Favorite Husband – Young Matron League Tryouts. 481002 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:30

Liz tries to butter up George in hopes that he'll let her try out for the play that the Young Matrons League will be performing. It'll be all the rage of the social register. Not to mention there will be an important Hollywood director in the audience. Despite George's best judgement, Liz goes to the try outs anyway. Will she make as big a fool of herself as George expects she will? To enhance her chances of impressing the director, and after Liz finds out from George's friend Corey that he and Corey are friends with him, she conspires to have the Hollywood man over for dinner . At the tryouts, Liz manages to frustrate the acting coach. Later at home, Liz practices her lines, and George begins to think somebody is losing their mind. He even goes to consult a psychiatrist. The doc suggests a casual environment to observe Liz, so a plan for a dinner date is made. Watch out for mix ups, and misunderstandings when she mistakes the doctor for the director. The overly dramatic Liz definitely makes an impression alright.

 X Minus One – Project Trojan. ep55, 560619 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:48

The biggest messes in history have been made by two types of minds, the devious, and the litteral. Revisit a few moments back in the recent World War for a story where science fiction meets science fact. Secret plans for the biggest battle tank thus fa have fallen into the hands of Brittish intelligence. Can it be real, or is it all justa ruse? It's the kind of stuff that's ripe for science fiction magazines. To play it safe, construction on the secret weapon is implimented immediately. Plans for Project Trojan, and it's death ray run into engineering troubles, but no expense will keep the project from moving forward. Glitches are sure to pop up, and delays create overruns in the completion date. Will this thing ever be completed before the war is over? Enjoyu the light hearted spy and counter spy action, right up to the time the whole project has run into it's final phase.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Rents Out The Library. 420119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:00

Lum has been trying to get Abner to cave in and hire him back, but at the same time Abner istrying to maintain his firm stance to hold Lum to his word. Instead, Abner has hired Mousey to help run the store. Was it a wise choice? Listen in to hear the complaints that Abner shares with grandpap. Is Abner about to cave in, and let Lum have his place back in the partnership? All he wants is for Lum to be humble and ask for his job without all his tricks that he has been using to appeal to Abner's emotions. Lum still has a plan. He claims that though he deeded over his part of the store, he still owns his interest in the oibrary. Maybe grandpap can help with the posturing, and act as mediator to settle the rift in the friendship.

 Whistler – Treasure Hunt. 460121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Robert Bolton was an egotist who felt the world owed him a living. He lived a charmed life, taking anything he could to gain from it, and dodging the pitfalls. We find him today in the small town train station in Redman. Seemingly on a whim, he decides to get off and visit for a while. What does he expect to take from this little whistle stop of a town? In the Randolph home, Robert puts the moves on the old spinsters, with his sites on getting his hands on their sizeable inheritance. Will they believe his story of being an author? Poor, homely Martha has fallen for the smooth con man. Will her new found love blind her to the true intent of her lover? Little does she know that Robert's plans have no room for her, other than to leave er holding the bag. The sheriff isn't the only one who harbrs a doubt, but he can't put his finger on the scam that's going down. Martha's spinster sister isn't too keen on the intruder, and his plans have a kink thrown into the mix. Will Robert be able to pull off his scam, and get away? Will a death be standing in the wings of our little drama? Robert has a strange ending waiting for him, and justice has it's own way of balancing his life of misdeeds.


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