Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Eddie Cantor – Guest, Jinx Falkenburg. 410205. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

It's one of Eddie's many birthdays, and Harry Vonzel tries to get Eddie to admit how old he is. Dinah Shore joins the fun and jokes about birthdays. Dinah sings, Let's Make it Real. Glamour girl of 1941, Jinx Falconberg pops in to do some poking fun at Eddie's age. Eddie chats it up about the modeling success of Jinx, and they compare notes on how they each have themselves insured, and their work out routines. A running gag on the show is Eddie buying an apartment house. Today, he wants Jinx to rent a room from him. Singer, Olive Major sings an operetic aria. At the apartment, Eddie has to evict the previous tenant so Jinx can move in. It's Burt Gordon, the Mad Russian. You never know what crazy things that guy will say as the conversation and jokes bounce from education to entertainment, and more. Eddie sings a modified version of the Phil Harris hit, That's What I Like About the South. PS: Though Jack Benny was famous for lying about his age, Eddie actually had a reason for claiming any age he wanted. He never knew what his actual birthday was. His birth records were lost, and he was raised by his grandparents. He knew the year, and an approximate date, and claimed January 31 as his birthday. If I'm mistaken in my facts, somebody please take the time to leave a comment and correct me.

 Fred Allen – Mountain Justice. ep18, 410205. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:24

Fred is joined by Kenny Baker, Portland Hoffa, and more as the Texaco Star Theater kicks off another show. The Town Hall singers open with a harmony tune. Fred talks with his announcer Jimmy Wellington, and Kenny Baker about the cold weather compared to sunny California. The Texaco News of the Week presents stories about poets who were in town to be awarded. Various characters present poems from prisons to clothes to double talk, and delicatessens. Kenny sings, May I Never Love Again. Al Goodman transitions with a Nursery Rhyme Medley. Fred talks with Portland about Jack Benny, and their guest, June Bradey. She is a 16 year old singer and impersonator. She sings, So You're the One, and styles it as though various celebrities might sing it. Wow, she's good. After another musical transition, Fred jokes with Al, and Kenny about the flaming hot music tonight, and about water for putting out fires. . Kenny is way ahead of his time, selling water. Next, Kenny gets involved with selling souvenirs for the Worlds Fair. Kenny sings, Endearing Young Charms. Fred gets involved with the Hatfield and McCoy feud. The Texaco Players perform a courtroom drama, Mountain Justice. Judge Allen tries to put that case to rest, solves a murder case, a dispute between farmers about chickens. Witnesses parade through to offer their goofy outlook on the cases.

 Vic and Sade – Fred And The Fifth Tire. 411010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:40

The nerve of Fred Stembottom! His crazy comment has Sade up in arms. What is the outrageous request that was made to her? It's enough to make Vic want to paste him one along the snoot. Although it wouldn't take much for Vic to want to do that. What's it all about? Despite a few comical reactions from both Vic and Rush, Sade spills her guts about the suggestion to buy each other tires for their cars for Christmas. I don't think it's the wierd gift idea from Fred, as much as the blatqant lies that he is trying to pass off on Sade. She may not be the highest educated person around, but she knows human behavior, and her sentimental and emotional side has kicked in as she rants about the dirty deal. PS: Considering that in 1942, tires, and all rubber products were scarce and all going into the war effort, it might be a crazy idea, but one nudging into a practical realm for folks of the day. Giving tires as Christmas presents.

 Judy Canova – Back From Army Camp Pistol, Packin Mama. 431019 (Retro Intro) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:19

Judy opens by telling a little about her recent visit to the Army base. Her maid, Geranium introduces the new band leader, Charles Dance, then Judy sings in her yodeling style, Pistol Packing Mama. Judy and Geranium talk about their man troubles. Mel Blanc, as Pedro arrives to talk about the housing shortage, and wants to rent Judy's extra room. Next, Mel Blanc as Sylvester wants the room, and turns on the charm to get it. After Judy and Pedro transition to squeezing in a commercial, the show goes on. Judy's friend Ed comes on to sing, Song of the Trail. Mel is back as a Russian who claims to be a musician, and wants the room. So who gets the room? I don't think it matters. Enjoy the rapid fire one liners, and the great voice tallents on the program. After another commercial, Judy wraps up by singing, Tears on My Pillow.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 3of9. 410425 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

Jimmy Olsen and his new found friend Pug Flanagan have inadvertantly found themselves as stow aways on the fishing boat owned by Carlos. The boys sabotage the engine in hopes of buying time to get away, but Superman arrives in time to rescue them, and get the treasure map back as well. Gee, he's a swell guy. Later, as the ship is about to steam away, Clark gets a telegram warning him not to sail on this ship. Is it just a feeble attempt from Carlos to get them to stay on shore? Or is there more menacing threats afoot?

 Gunsmoke – The Gambler. 561007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:47

As Matt and Chester talk in the Marshall's office, a gambler comes in to ask for help in finding a man named Jim Cass. Matt suspects that murder is the intent, and gives a warning against harming the mild mannered local man. What has Jim Cass done in the past to the Ohio Riverboat gambler, Askim, to warrant the hatred and intent on revenge? Since Askim is being tight lipped over the matter, Matt rides to talk to Jim. According to Jim, the men have never met, but he's a survivor and willing to defend himself if it comes to it. A confrontation is sure to go down, and a dark secret is revealed about Jim's past. Misunderstandings and bigotry make a mix that could explode into gunplay. Can Matt difuse the tension, or will there be another death before the show is done? Matt takes a gamble that may, or may not pay off.

 Dragnet – The Big Lie. 551018. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

Joe Friday and Frank Smith work the Homacide detail. Frank tells Joe the latest family news, and some trouble with his brother in law. The small talk is put to a stop when a phone call reports the murder of a woman's son. The distraught mom tells the cops about a man who had an arguement with her son. After he left, she found her son dead. The woman seems plagued with troubles as she explains that her daughter had committed suicide in the house in the past. Her story includes arguements with her son over the girls death, then he would go out and drink to blow off steam afterward. Later, Mr Dudley is tracked down, and the cops question him about the murder. In voiceover, Joe tells about all the other leads, and progress with other methods the police have to verify their suspects. The options are pared away, and it's back to talk with mom. Suddenly dear old mom gets defensive when Joe and Frank uncover a gun in her house. Did she kill her own son? Crime lab evidence, and other sources are pointing that way. The truth comes out with the end of show confession. Was it Mr Dudley, mom, or a remaining brother? Listen and learn

 Let George Do It – Death Wears A Gay Sport Jacket. 481018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

George gets a letter to request his help with a string of murders that the police don't think are related. The mystery letter is typed, and the sender hasn't revealed who they are. The letter contains a list of victims, and all have been reported, but one. Even the police don't have any news on the extra name. The common thread in the killings are that the murderer wears a plaid sports coat. Naturally, George investigates the crazy case, and interviews the eccentric witnesses. Things are going nowhere, then suddenly, the next victim bites the dust, right after being talked to by George. Who wrote the mystery letter? Who is the real killer, and what is his motive? George has a handle on the situation, but he has one mor lead to follow up on before he exposes the mystery. A last minute, and unexpected help comes when a key witness turns out to be a blind man. But even the blind man has a secret.

 Burns and Allen – New House. 450920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:43

A New season begins, and George and Gracie have to move. Their landlord has evicted them, which coincides well with the fresh start with a new sponsor. Will their announcer and pal, Bill Goodwin be making the move? Will he opt to bow out and pursue his new movie career? What about the Happy Postman, will our heros still be on his mail route to bring joy to his day? There are some new musicians featured on the show. The Les Paul Trio joins Meredeth Willson and his orchestra. Meredeth Willson tries his best to welcome Gracie and George to his neighborhood, but his socially awkward ways lead to a misunderstanding with George.

 Archie Andrews – Double Date. 461019. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

As Archie gets ready for a date, mom is sewing, and he phones Jughead to make arrangements. Since he can't just go out with two girls, Betty and Veronica, he needs Jughead to round things out. Dad looks over the headlines in the newspaper, and gets ready for a bath. Just as he gets dipped into the water, the phone rings. I think that must be one of those laws of the universe. While dad's back was turned, Archie takes over the tub. That universal law kicks in again and Veronica calls for Archie. Archie still manages to take over the tub again, but he's delayed when he has to run water to replace the now ice cold tub. Will dad get his chance now that Archie is out of the tub? The trouble is that the hot water has run out, and the pipe started rattling. Dad insists on fixing the problem himself, but first he needs to make a trip to the basement to turn off the water main. Dad relays shouted instructions through the house, but his communication lines have been cut when Betty calls on the phone, and mom goes to answer it. Meanwhile dad's despair is growing when he seems to have been forgotten in the basement. The shouting is finally done, but dad finds Archie locked in the bathroom with a broken lock on the door. To manage the escape, dad saws out a chunk off the bathroom door. Who knows why, but Archie gets his head stuck in the hole in the door. Will the ordeal be over once Archie is set free? Don't count on it. Despite his best efforts, dad has his hot water, and Archie is off on his date. Dad keeps up his song of the show, I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles, but since Archie used all the soap, it makes me wonder what he's blowing those bubbles with. Well, maybe I don't want to know afterall. In epilog, and after dad has given up on his bath, Archie comes home from his party with soap. Soap as a prize at a high school party? I guess it could happen.

 Lux Radio Theater – Up Pops The Devil. 371018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:11

Features Fred MacMurray. In a high rise office building, a young woman talks with a publisher, who is an old flame. Her husband, Steve, is an aspiring writer who just needs time away from his busy job to make it good as an author. But there's just that problem of making ends meet until sales from a book start rolling in. What is the happy newlyweds to do? Ann decides to take a job, and force Steve to be the stay at home husband, She takes her old job as a chorus girl back,but his domestic skills leave some to be desired. As time marches on, things go mostly well, but writers block sets in. Disappointments, set backs. Frustrations over money. Jealousy creeps in on both sides. A few more months go by, and the marital bliss has evaporated. On top of it all, Ann finds out she's going to have a baby. With the strife in the relationship, she chooses not to tell Steve that little detail. Especially when a separation takes place. Though Steve has made progress in his writing during the separation, neither want to be without the other. It takes the threat of divorce, and the realization of all they are about to lose to wake them up.

 Philip Marlowe – Where There’s A Will. 481017. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

While minding his business driving down the street, Philip finds a dame in an emergency situation, and gives her a lift. Of all the cars in the city, trouble has just taken a ride with Philip Marlowe. Later, a big job lands on Philip's desk to work for a man who is formidible both in wealth and physique. A paticular woman needs to be nvestigated over the matter of a will. There's a matter of stolen bonds, a complicated game set forth in a will, and stolen maps. Who is the mysterious little man who threads his way through the scenes to work his mischief? The plot thickens, and twists, then Barbara, the dame from earlier in the show is back with a stake in the will from aunt Bernice. Dager arises when somebody wants to improve their portion of the will when brake lines cause a near fatality. Philip offers descriptive narrative as the adventure moves to the shores of Indian Lake. It's all as an effort to use that convoluted treasure map and find the missing bonds before the deadline set in the will. Philip is ever observant for clues, both in finding the treasure, and trying to figure out who is sabotaging the game. Will the pranks and accidents get serious enough to end up in murder? Can Philip stop it before it does? Enjoy the treasure hunt, the thril of the adventure, and try to figure out who is behind the dirty deeds and accidents.

 Quiet Please – And Jeannie Dreams Of Me. 481017 (Retro Intro) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:50

Ernest Chapel presents a story of a troubled man. He has had a life long recurring dream. What do the elements of the dream mean? Tall oaks, a big house with a locked door. Strains of music of the old Steven Foster tune, Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair. Through all stages of life the dream is the same. Then finally the door in the dream has a key in it. It's a dream about love that can't be attained, about a dream world that can make things happen in this world. A dream world that sometimes can't change fate, but offers a small amount of protection. A dream world that begins to raise the question of which world is the real one? If a person dies in one world, will their other world also end?

 Wierd Circle – The Great Plague. 480517 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:07

A small group of pickpockets and petty thieves build up their crime spree to a house robbery. The robbery will be easy pickings, but one of the crooks develops a conscience when he is tasked to kill the little girl to keep her quiet. The plan goes well, except for one unexpected turn about of death. The black plague has made an appearance. Will the thieves be alright? Has their rush over greed brought death on their heads? A secret doublecross reveals a criminal who wants to go straight.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 2of9. 410423 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

In the previous episode the treasure map was in danger of the half breed, Carlos taking it. Unless Jimmy's friend, Pug, got to it first. As Superman, Clark searches the waterfront for the missing Pug, and the missing map. Jimmy discovers a plot twist when he learns that Carlos took both Pug and the map. Now what should he do? Take matters into his own hands, of course. In freeing Pug, the two try to get the map back, but end up as stow aways on the Sanchez, the boat belonging to Carlos.


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