Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 The Shadow – The Temple Bells Of Neban. 371024. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Shadow, "The Temple Bells of Neban" 10/24/37The Shadow is a fictional character created by Walter B. Gibson in 1931 with the first story title "The Living Shadow". The character is one of the most famous of the pulp heroes of the 1930s and 1940s -- made even more famous through a popular radio series originally played by Orson Welles.  The Shadow is best regarded for its radio years, in which pulp crime fiction received perhaps its most compelling broadcast interpretation.

 Gunsmoke – Ma Tennis. 541023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:29

A young gambler, Andy, approaches Miss Kitty about the possibility of bringing him luck. The card game goes wrong when a man is accused of cheating, and a murder is committed. Andy is hauled off to jail by Matt, while Andy's brother goes for their mom. The tough old Mrs Tennis takes custody of her boy. She's already lost her husband to the hangman after a crime, and wants to cling to her boy. Will her efforts reform the son? Can Matt take him back into custody, and to trial without shooting down Mrs Tennis? When Matt rides out to the homestead, the old woman is putting the finishing touches on a grave. Did she actually kill her son? She is going to turn herself in, tomorrow. Matt has his own surprise for her when she does. In the wild and wooly west, how does a tough Marshall fight a woman? It'll take a battle of wits.

 My Favorite Hhusband – The Quiz Show. 481023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:16

It's breakfast time in the Cugat home. Both Liz, and Katie are having troubles with the morning chores, but at least Liz's problems can be solved by a kiss from George. Liz needs a dishwasher to help Katie, their maid, when George's friend Correy stops in to give her an idea to win one from a quiz program. George isn't too keen on the idea, thinking it will be an embarrassment. Instead, his boss, Mr Atteberry likes the publicity angle. Now Liz is worried, not that she won't win, but that her dumb answers might cause George to lose his job. It was Correy's idea that inspired her, and it's Corry to come to Liz's rescue. He has the list of answers for her. I get the feeling the answers won't work out. Game show host, Frank Nelson gets the show started. The questions may not match Liz's answers, but there's still hope for the bonus round. Stay tuned to se if George and Liz can pull ahead for the big prizes.

 Dennis Day – Dennis Thinks Mildred Has A New Boyfriend. 481023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:07

Dennis opens with a song, Buttons and Bows. After announcing the promotional contest for the sponser, we turn to the Anderson household. Being the manly men that they are, Dennis helps Mr Anderson with the dishes. In the process, Dennis finds a love letter written in Mildred's handwriting, and it seems to be to someone else. Rather than giving her a piece of his mind, Dennis takes Mr Anderson's advice to be nice, and try to court her. It goes wrong, he leaves, Mrs Anderson arrives. The secret of the love letter is revealed to the listeners. Now the two women try to figure what Dennis is up to, and conclude he has another woman. Suddenly, there's a battle of the sexes going on, with Dinnis trying to make Mildred jealous by making passes at the widow Baker. Intermission time. Dennis sings, Confess. Love is in the air when Mr and Mrs Anderson take a walk in the park. While they're out, Dennis and the neighbor lady have a misunderstanding, with both thinking the other is talking about something very different. Does the jealousy thing work? Will Mildred understand the scene that has been set up? Well, yes and no. After a final commercial, Dennis sings, Irish Airs.

 Amos and Andy – Courtroom Catastrophe, with a Retro Plus. 431022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:28

The first feature is, The Efficiency Expert Stepping on Andys Toes, 1929-01-17. Andy vents his frustrations to Amos over the Efficiency expert. Afterwards, their friend, Sylvester, who sounds an awful lot like their other friend on later shows, Lightning. In these early shows all the voices were done by Gosden and Corell. Later other actors were to expand the number of characters, as well as providing female voices. Talk turns to troubles with women, land lords, and a breach of promise case. The efficiency expert arrives to discuss the problems with the company. The second show is, Courtroom Catastrophy, with Walter Houston as the judge. Kingfish has had some legal trouble. He said some things to slander another man. He seeks advice from his friends, After his plan to intimidate his opposition goes wrong, Kingfish takes another route. but in the end he decides to bribe the judge. Unknown to Kingfish and Andy, the judge is taking a break outside the court house. They run their bribery scheme on this unsuspecting stranger. Imagine the awkward situation when they discover they had shared their bribery plans with the very judge who is to rule on the case. Meanwhile, Kingfish has gotten himself in trouble with Sapphire when he pawns her diamond from her ring to raise some ready cash. Ernie Whitman plays the part of Kingfish's lawyer. Hey, what about the law suit? Listen to find out. You can be sure that the laughs don't stop, and a lesson is taught. The trouble is, will it ever sink in?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Bottle Collection. 410225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

After spending the past few years collecting bottles, Fibber loads them all up to cash them in. As they prepare to pull away in the car, old Timer makes his observations of Fibbers strange hobby, and gives a plug for the appearance of Fibber on last nights Lux Radio program. Next, Teeny talks to Fibber about his bottles. Billy Mills plays. Pulling up to the grocery store to get his refunds, Fibber has some trouble as he talks to Nick Depopollus. Broken bottles are no good, but only make a dangerous mess. After Harlow Wilcox delivers the commercial, Grocery man, Gale Gordon gives Fibber a hard time over his refund attempt. It seems there's also a dispute over the McGee's grocery bill. Making the rounds to the stores, Fibber gets turned down every where he goes. Dejected, he finally finds a buyer in Mrs. Uppington. Not only does she pay top dollar for Fibbers bottles, but springs to take the McGee's out for dinner. The Kingsmen sing, The Covered Wagon Rolls Right Alon . As Fibber complains about things in general, Gildersleeves drops by to mope. Gildy tells the secret of why Uppington bought those bottles. What could the reason be? Why would it be so upsetting to both Gildersleeves, and Fibber?Just remember that times, and social status were different back then.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 4of9. 410428 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:41

Clark, Jimmy, and their new friend Pug Flanagan have breakfast as their ship sets sail to steam back to the United States. The boys worry over a threatening message they recieved, but Clark tries to play it down. Still, when more threatening notes arrive, he takes the concern to the ship captain. The boys aren't buying Clarks attempt to play it down, and they each do their own investigating. Snooping in the cargo hold, Pug and Jimmy learn what the ship is really hauling. But more troubles arise for the boys.

 Lone Ranger – United We Stand. 411022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

During the years of unrest following the Civil War, a band known as the Black Arrow sprang up that threatened to cause uprisings out West. The Lone Ranger has been battling them to restore peace and justice. After a posse captures the latest band of the Black Arrow Legion, the sheriff reveals himself to the Lone Ranger that he is a member of the Black Arrow. He holds him captive, and has the Lone Ranger at his mercy. While trying to unmask him, Tonto rushes in. With a night's rest, they plan to follow the sheriffs trail to be led to the hideout of the Black Arrow. Plans need to be changed when Silver is found to be wounded from the previous nights action. Elsewhere, Sheriff Brady meets up with other Black Arrow members to develop a plan to keep Montana from becoming a state. Tonto and Lone ranger race through the dark of night. Wil he be able to drum up support from the setttlers there? Will the dark forces of the legion break up the proceedings by keeping key people from making decisions about Montana's statehood? This ongoing battle won't be settled easily. It'll take some time for the Lone Ranger to defeat this new enemy of the West. So stay tuned.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – The Human Cannonball. 370628 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:22

Fibber finds himself in charge of a carnival, and has to deal with the acts who are to perform. Molly voices a young gal, Geraldine, who chatters about her husband, Gerald. Jimmy Greer plays, Come on Get Happy. Will Fibber get stuck doing the cannonball act? It has Molly worried. Meanwhile the wierd characters keep moving through the scene,. Molly also voices Mrs Wearybottom. Charlie Harris sings, My Last Affair. After a gypsy visits, the worry shifts from Molly to Fibber. A laughing man is voiced by Fibber. It won't be long before the cannon is ready to fire, but first Bill Davis is a balloon salesman who shares a few comic moments with our heros. Teeny arrives for a lesson on manners. The Old Timer arrives just in time for Fibbers big moment. How will the act go? Will Fibber get out of his committment?

 Jack Benny – The Don Wilson Story. 540110 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:35

For a change, Jack introduces Don. It's a special day to honor Don for his 20 years on the show. Bob Crosby and Dennis Day pop in with a couple wisecracks as a diversion. Dennis sings, That's Amore. Jack tries to announce his special sketch of Don's life, but Rochester phones in with troubles at home. The play begins in Denver, Colorado and the blessed event of Don's birth. Jokes about Don's eating habits and rapidly growing size abound. We folow Don to his college years, and his preparation for a radio career. Catch a glimpse as Mr Willowby, played by Frank Nelson, is the case behind introdcing Don to Jack. Note: Dennis refers to being an incubator baby. The term was the catch phrase for what we call a preemie today. Premature babies were undersized and where placed in the incubator to continue to grow and get stronger.

 Martin and Lewis – George Jessell. 491021. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

Dean and Jerry bicker while leading up to their idea to audition for television. They are still looking for help for their nightclub, but the gal who wants a job as a cigarette girl may not meet their ideal. Sounds like a case of age discrimination if you ask me. After reading the gossip pages, Jerry is inspired to break into Darrel Zanick's next big movie production. All they need is a contact who can get them a meeting. On the street, the guys run into Sidney Sheldon, who claims to be a big tallent scout and agent. Dean sings, Dark Town Strutters Ball. Elsewhere George Jessel is facing being fired, but what's an old actor to do for a career move? Dean and jerry go to George's office to ask a favor to see the famous movie director, but instead George milks them for a job in their club, as they joke around about it. George sings a verse or two, to demonstrate his worthiness. will the guys all help each other out? Dean sings his latest song featured in their film,My Friend Irma. The guys finally get to meet Darrel Zanek, and put on their best, and funniest performances. Even George Jessel gets in a few bars of song. But will it all be enough to impress the producer?

 Gunsmoke – Til Death Do Us Part. 561021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

In Dodge City, Matt and Chester talk about a local homesteader and the hard time that he and his wife have faced. Ezra is an old fashioned type who believes women should be seen and not heard. Shots ring out, and are intended for old Ezra and Myra. With the mystery shooting put aside for the moment, Matt talks with Doc about the old couple. Who would want them killed? Was it Ezra, or Myra that was the intended victim? Doc's task at making his sugar pills is interupted when Kitty enters to fill in what she knows about old Ezra. Ezra might have a few enemies afterall. He seems to have been judgemental and vocal in disapproving of the ladies of the salloon. The plot thickens when Chester turns up with word about a hitman. A run in with the hit man has Ezra in an upset state, but Matt saves the day for now. Is there some other secrets that he's still keeping? What will Matt discover when he and Chester ride out to talk with Myra? Though Myra admits to being beaten, and otherwise abused over her 27 year marriage, she respects her vows for the sacred institution. It's just that she has suddenly decided to hasten the "Until death do us part" clause in it. Can you blame her?

 Burns and Allen – Professor Thorndyke Studies Gracie. 401021. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:52

Audio quality is very good. It's National Grocers week, and just the gimmick for the sponser to latch on to for an opening commercial. Gracie is missing, and George is concerned. The Harvard sound man reminds us about her seeing his psychiatrist friend, but before Artie Shaw, and the other cast members can worry too much, she makes her appearance. Gracie tells about her wacky moments giving advice at a car show. Senor Lee gives George grief with a mix up on words. The Smoothies sing, I Know that You Know. Doctor Thorndyke the psychiatrist visits to talk to his old friend from college, Elliot the sound man. He reports a few of his notes to George that he took about Gracie and her family. For the sake of science, the doc asks George to help with an experiment. How will it help if he humors Gracie and agrees with her demands? For one thing it makes Gracie think George is nuts. Artie Shaw plays, Temptation. The experiment continues and is sure to lead to plenty of comedy, jokes, and one liners related to mental health. Join the fun as the cast get hypnotized and mesmerized. Stay tuned to see what the doctor diagnoses.

 21st Precinct – The Door. ep34, 540303 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:45

The report of a shooting gets the police into motion at the 21st Precinct. Captain Frank Canelli is in charge, and on hand to tells us the flow of events. Calling in the detectives, Captain Canelli uncovers more details for us surrounding the background of the case. The plan is to give the gangsters a little slack, and catch them red handed. It'll be the hard evidence the detective Lieutenant wants to put them away for good. Will their sneaking around to trail the bad guys pay off? Won't Captain Canelli's uniform be a give away to the crooks? Will the cops get some help- from a dame? In voiceover, Captain Canelli shares the details of setting up the trap, and how the escape avenues for the bad guys were cut off. The suspense builds, the noose tightens, and the cops close in to spring their trap. Suddenly, gunshots explode, bugt will the trapped, desperate gunmen go down easily?

 Danger Doctor Danfield – Death Paints a Picture. ep10, 461020. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:37

Using his amazing powers of observation and knowledge of the human mind, Doc Danfield often helps the police. Today, he and his faithful secretary, Rusty, drive to a small desert town. Taking shelter from a dust storm, Doc Danfield stops at a roadside Motel. Mr Bedloe introduces his other guests, three artistic types. Troubles emerge relating to rival painters, a wife who feels trapped in her marriage to a man twice her age, and veiled threats of death. When Mr Pierce shows up as a corpse, Dan gets the details of what is known of the shooting, but with all the clues in, and a houseful of suspicious characters it still may not be so easy to pin down the murderer. Just what is the significance of the footprints leading up to the cabin of the late Mr Pierce anyway? What about the gun that shot him? Don't worry, if you missed something, Doc Danfield explains it all to Miss Fairfax at the end.


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