Dennis Day – Dennis Thinks Mildred Has A New Boyfriend. 481023

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dennis opens with a song, Buttons and Bows. After announcing the promotional contest for the sponser, we turn to the Anderson household. Being the manly men that they are, Dennis helps Mr Anderson with the dishes. In the process, Dennis finds a love letter written in Mildred's handwriting, and it seems to be to someone else. Rather than giving her a piece of his mind, Dennis takes Mr Anderson's advice to be nice, and try to court her. It goes wrong, he leaves, Mrs Anderson arrives. The secret of the love letter is revealed to the listeners. Now the two women try to figure what Dennis is up to, and conclude he has another woman. Suddenly, there's a battle of the sexes going on, with Dinnis trying to make Mildred jealous by making passes at the widow Baker. Intermission time. Dennis sings, Confess. Love is in the air when Mr and Mrs Anderson take a walk in the park. While they're out, Dennis and the neighbor lady have a misunderstanding, with both thinking the other is talking about something very different. Does the jealousy thing work? Will Mildred understand the scene that has been set up? Well, yes and no. After a final commercial, Dennis sings, Irish Airs.