Fibber McGee and Molly – The Human Cannonball. 370628

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Fibber finds himself in charge of a carnival, and has to deal with the acts who are to perform. Molly voices a young gal, Geraldine, who chatters about her husband, Gerald. Jimmy Greer plays, Come on Get Happy. Will Fibber get stuck doing the cannonball act? It has Molly worried. Meanwhile the wierd characters keep moving through the scene,. Molly also voices Mrs Wearybottom. Charlie Harris sings, My Last Affair. After a gypsy visits, the worry shifts from Molly to Fibber. A laughing man is voiced by Fibber. It won't be long before the cannon is ready to fire, but first Bill Davis is a balloon salesman who shares a few comic moments with our heros. Teeny arrives for a lesson on manners. The Old Timer arrives just in time for Fibbers big moment. How will the act go? Will Fibber get out of his committment?