Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Mothers Best Flour – Where The Old Red River Flows. ep30, 510216 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:04

Playlist: Hank Williams sings, Wherethe the Old Red River Flows. Hank tells stories on his five piece band, and their eating habits. Here's some steel guitar fun with, Blue Steel Blues. It's hymn time and Hank sings, Thirty Pieces of Silver.

 CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Mission From Zython. 790625 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:20

A UFO is sighted, but is it aliens, or a military project? What are the fast moving, firey looking objects in the sky Townsfolk talk about the possibilities. Can it be explained away by science? Will photographs help to clear up the mystery? A stranger shows up, Rotar from Zython, and he demands the pictures back and has a death ray that he's not afraid to use to carry out his mission. Hey, that death ray sounds an awful lot like a tazer to me. Government agents show up, and patrols could soon be sent into the snowy wilderness to sedarvh for the stranger, or other explanations behind the strange events. What is the mission, and what does it mean for the planet? When Rotar is finally captured, what message will he have for the inhabitants of earth? Will the government heed the warnings about atomic devastation?

 Mr Keen – The Silver Dagger Murder Case. 491013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:46

In the elaborately furnished study, a woman sits at a desk, unaware that she is so close to death. An intruder silently enters. All we hear is her reactions, and the sound of a dagger being pulled from its scabbard, and put to use. The case is brought to Mr Keen by the man who sold the dagger to the dead woman as one of her many curios that she collected. Is he holding something back? Mr Keen puts him on the spot to get all the facts. No stone will be unturned, no person will be beyond suspicion as he sets out on this mystery. Listen to the interviews of the people as Mr Keen talks to the characters involved with the dead woman. They are all suspicious, and have reason to have done it. Who might it be? The young man with a manuscript about the silver dagger? The man who she was secretly maried to? Signs are pointing to Cody, the young man, but is it a frame up? Is there another suspect to worry about? Don't try to hide secrets from Mr Keen, he has a plan to find the murderer. Mr Keen isn't accepting any lies in this case, he cuts straight to the truth of the matter. Listen in for all the facts and clues. See if you can figure it all out before the big twist ending.

 21st Precinct – The Ledge. ep54, 540721 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:28

Another where the audio is short, and has no ending. Captain Canelli gets right to business as he tells us in voiceover about the day in the precinct. A youngg woman enters to deal with a traffic ticket for leaving her keys in her parked car. The offended woman is assured that that law exists to protect her from having someone steal her car. Captain Canelli is again in voiceover mode to tell about a suicide emergency where a woman is thretening to jump from a ledge. Ride along with him to the action at the scene. The patrolmen have the scene at the sidewalk secure, and more emergency teams show up. How might the police keep the jumper from hurting herself, or others? Can the Captain talk the woman down, and solve ll her problems? Canelli tells in voiceover some of the dangers of standing on a ledge, and the difficulties in attempting a rescue. As the distraught woman begins to open up, and talk about the troubles that drover her to the lege, the audio stops. Despite the missing ending, I thought the portrayal of the procedures in dealing with a suicide like this was interesting. In some ways, the same kind of things zre still done, talking the person down, being reassuring, offering help without being overly patronizing, etc. I'm not sure the cops and emergency folks did a perfect job at it, but you could tell the community concern was there for the person in distress.

 Danger Doctor Danfield – Henry Comes Home. 461013. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:27

Henry and Fred are twin brothers. Henry had been missing and presumed dead for the past 4 years. In the meantime, Fred has moved in on Henry's wife, Anita, and are now married. Things change fast when Henry shows up and confronts Fred. After gunplay has entered the picture and Henry is dead, Fred goes to assure anita that they can still get away with murder. Can they start a new life over again? will the cops believe their story? Doctor Danfield is called on to interview them, and his questions turn up a few problems in the story. Back at his office, Dan shares details with his lovely assistant, Rusty Fairfax. Going on an angle that Miss Fairfax suggested, Doc Danfield sets up a trap by pointing the blame at Anita. will it cause Fred to defend her, or turn her over for the cops to arrest? Listen and learn how Doc Danfield puts on the pressure, and the truth behind the murder.

 Let’s Pretend – Ceres and Proserpina. 531128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:45

Travel to storyland by riding a parade of zoo animals, The classic tale of a wealthy merchant who lost all he had. He and his two dughters now have to face life in poverty. Though the older sisters are resentful, the youngest daughter has a sweet spirit about her. Stormy weather forces the travelling merchant to cross paths with the beast. What are the ddangers that a magical, enchanted vlice warns against? Beauty sacrifices herself to stay with the beast to pay the price for her father's life. Is there any hope for her situation? Magic spells are at work, but the key to breaking them and in setting the east needs to be freely given. Lessons on judging others, courage, and being kind arethe keys.

 Command Performance – Herbert Marshall, Marilyn Maxwell. 450622 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:51

Herbert Marshal is host, and introduces Marilyn Maxwell, who then sings, Kiss Goodnight. Jack Haley enters to joke around with the cast. Learn a little about the theatrical training of the actors. Is Jack as serious an actor as Herbert? Will they be competing for a leading role? The Les Paul Trio plays a slick, jazzy tune. Jack and Herbert shift gears, and swap secrets about picking up girls. Lena Romai, a South American singer gets in a word of admiration for Herbert, and becomes the test dummy for Jack as he puts the moves on her. She sings, When You Meet Someone You Like. Jack and Marylin talk about his odds at becoming a successful leading man. How well will he do in playing a love scene with the singer/actress? The two melt into a song, Nobody Loves Me. Caving in to the comedian, Herbert Marshall gives up his role as Romeo. The spoof of Romeo and Jjuliet begins. Shakespeare's balcony scene will never be the same again.

 Lum and Abner – Ventriloquists. 420130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

There's a slight lull in the action in the little community of Pine Ridge. The emergency of Lum's recent legal troubles are past, and the next story line is yet to begin. Lum tries to figure out the books after Abner has been in charge. Such a tangled mess that includes more than charges and debits. There's even a score card of who won the checker games between Abner and Grandpap. To add to the fun, Cedric enters with a new hobby. A carnival has passed through, and Cedric is determined to take up being a ventrilloquist. Abner and Mousey are fascinated and impressed by the new tallent, but Lum thinks it's just silly. Trying to make dolls talk, and throwing your voice. At least he makes a good show of it. Hello Bobo!

 Adventures in Research – I Scream You Scream. ep5, 430302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:39

One of the most popular people on the Summertime streets is the ice cream man. Todays story tells the story behind ice cream. Dispelling a popular myth about it's origin with Dolly Madison, we touch base with ancient Romans and a treat set before Nero. But an even earlier date is explored relating to ancient nomadic Hebrews. Marco Polo is said to have discovered it in his travels. Regardless of it's beginnings, follow the movement of ice cream around the world, and through time. It showed up in America in colonial times, and with the invention of the ice cream freezer, it moved from a luxury for the wealthy to a treat for anybody. Perfections to the freezing, whipping, and storage processes have made it possible to always a consistent product.

 Burns and Allen – Making George Look Young. 1945 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:17

The past Sunday was Fathers Day, and something has Gracie upset. Because people thought George looked old, she feels old as well. Maybe it's her treatment of him over the years that has been the cause of his gray hair and wrinkles. She's now out to give George a stylish makeover. It's off to the haberdasher, who has been recently discharged from the Army, to get suited up. Harry Vonzel is the show announcer who pops in to tease George and pitch the glories of Swan soap, The Billy Mills orchestra plays, and his singers sing a few bars of, Take Good Care of Yourself You Belong to Me. The Happy Postman tells about his baseball expertise. Such a youthful, vibrant guy. Maybe some physical activity will help George feel younger? George takes dancing lessons, but the lovely Lolita might be too much for Gracie to take.

 Dragnet – The Big Jolt. 551011. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:08

Audio is fair quality. You might want to wait until you can listen in a quiet place or use head phones. Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith interview a victim about the boys who stole from his store. Underage teens are confronted, and taken in when they are found with licqor in their possession. The tough juvenile delinquent tries to go up against Joe in an arguement about his rights, but Joe Friday lays down the law. Getting a little preachy in his tirade to the kid, he softens enough to turn the kid to his side, and information about a larger gang problem emerges. Now Joe is on the track of rampant drug use along with the alcohol abuse of teenagers. The cops try to get the parents to help out in crushing the problem, but will they go along? With listening devices installed, and a party in full swing, the cops listen for evidence they can use. Joe Friday crashes the party, and stops the source of the drug flow.

 Have Gun Will Travel – Stopover In Tombstone. 591011. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:20

Paladin is on the way on a simple, routine trip to deliver messages, but along the way a more pressing matter arises. A couple of cowhands get into a shoot out where the young upstart mortally wounds a popular man among the shady characters in town. To prevent a riot, or a lynching, Paladin is deputized to help the local lawman keep the peace. A plan is formed to get the young man out of town under cover of darkness, but a circumstance arises that draws them back to town. Will the young gunslinger be lynched? Will he make a get away? Justice comes in odd ways.

 Fred Allen – Texaco Star Theater – Shrimp Cocktail, Roland Young, Arthur Godfrey. 421011. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:58

After a quick opening joke with announcer, Arthur Godfrey, Fred turns to the news of the week. The topic is gambling, and Fred talks with a bookie, a cop, and an unlucky woman of the street. Wee Bonnie Baker sings a crazy tune, I Get the Neck of a Chicken. Portland jokes about her mom's new job at the shipyards. Fred is joined by comedian and impressionist, Roland Young. The two leave the studio for a bite to eat, but Roland seems to be having trouble with getting his order the way he wants it. He might just be stuck with that shrimp cocktail afterall. Note: At this time in the course of the Fred Allen show, he had moved to Sunday nights, after Jack Benny. His show was shortened to a 30 minute format, rather than his full hour of fun. Though he stll has much of his voice acting cast, he is using the change to try out a variety of singers.

 Challenge of the Yukon – Lady Luck Claim. 440210 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:24

In the gold rush days of the Yukon in the late 1890's, a man and his dog were sometimes all that stood for justice. A rich businessman tries to run everyone's lives, in particular he wants to arrange a marriage for his neice. When his clerk, Mitchel, wants to marry the niece, he sets out to stake his own claim on fame and fortune. Injustices are added when Mitchel takes the blame for a friend who is in trouble. In facing the challenges of the injustice of humanity, seeking to make his mark in the brutal wilderness, and survive the blizzards of the North, he just might need a little extra help from Sgt Preston of the Mounties, and his amazing dog King. Join in for the adventure, and be a part as dangers are overcome.

 Lum and Abner Judge Parkers Letter. 420129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Lum's legal troubles aren't quite over, and today we find him practicing his speach for the jury. Is that letter he wrote to sign over his part of the Jot 'Em Down store legal and binding? Lum examines the law books for similar cases. The old court cases get Abner confused as to Lum's outcome. Has Lum been mixed up with bank robbers and killers in Illinois? Cedric enters with a letter from judge Parker to bring a solution to Lum and Abner's worries.


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