Lum and Abner – Ventriloquists. 420130

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: There's a slight lull in the action in the little community of Pine Ridge. The emergency of Lum's recent legal troubles are past, and the next story line is yet to begin. Lum tries to figure out the books after Abner has been in charge. Such a tangled mess that includes more than charges and debits. There's even a score card of who won the checker games between Abner and Grandpap. To add to the fun, Cedric enters with a new hobby. A carnival has passed through, and Cedric is determined to take up being a ventrilloquist. Abner and Mousey are fascinated and impressed by the new tallent, but Lum thinks it's just silly. Trying to make dolls talk, and throwing your voice. At least he makes a good show of it. Hello Bobo!