Dragnet – The Big Jolt. 551011.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is fair quality. You might want to wait until you can listen in a quiet place or use head phones. Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith interview a victim about the boys who stole from his store. Underage teens are confronted, and taken in when they are found with licqor in their possession. The tough juvenile delinquent tries to go up against Joe in an arguement about his rights, but Joe Friday lays down the law. Getting a little preachy in his tirade to the kid, he softens enough to turn the kid to his side, and information about a larger gang problem emerges. Now Joe is on the track of rampant drug use along with the alcohol abuse of teenagers. The cops try to get the parents to help out in crushing the problem, but will they go along? With listening devices installed, and a party in full swing, the cops listen for evidence they can use. Joe Friday crashes the party, and stops the source of the drug flow.