Mr Keen – The Silver Dagger Murder Case. 491013

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the elaborately furnished study, a woman sits at a desk, unaware that she is so close to death. An intruder silently enters. All we hear is her reactions, and the sound of a dagger being pulled from its scabbard, and put to use. The case is brought to Mr Keen by the man who sold the dagger to the dead woman as one of her many curios that she collected. Is he holding something back? Mr Keen puts him on the spot to get all the facts. No stone will be unturned, no person will be beyond suspicion as he sets out on this mystery. Listen to the interviews of the people as Mr Keen talks to the characters involved with the dead woman. They are all suspicious, and have reason to have done it. Who might it be? The young man with a manuscript about the silver dagger? The man who she was secretly maried to? Signs are pointing to Cody, the young man, but is it a frame up? Is there another suspect to worry about? Don't try to hide secrets from Mr Keen, he has a plan to find the murderer. Mr Keen isn't accepting any lies in this case, he cuts straight to the truth of the matter. Listen in for all the facts and clues. See if you can figure it all out before the big twist ending.