Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lights Out – The Author And The Thing. 430928 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Stories of the supernatual, and supernatural fantasy. If you are the type to scare easily, we urge you to turn off your radio now. In other words, don't even think about downloading this episode of the podcast. Arch Oberler, author of the Lights Out plays has a deadline to finish his current plays. His secretary is standing by as he has a bout of writers block. He talks to himself, tossing ideas around,story elements, situations, but nothing is developing. He knows he has to write, but just doesn't want to. The author writes up a creature that seems to become real, and it's coming to get him. His brother stops in to see how the progress is coming, but gets eaten by the monster. The cops are called, but just like the brother, they can't see anything. Only the author can. When the cops learn that he is Arch Oboler, they believe him even less. So, what do you do when you've created a monster that nobody can see? Warn people? Everybody that comes near you is eaten. Arch has his lawyer come to his office, but he doesn't believe the story. Has Arch Oboler gone insane? A court is convened. Expert testimony is given to prove sanity. Such a silly monster story, who would believe such a thing? Being the last show of the year long series, Arch Oboler ends the program with a permanent ending.

 Gunsmoke – Helping Hand. 540927 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Helping Hand. In Dodge City, Matt Dillon is the first man they look for, and the last man they want to meet. Out riding the range, Matt and Chester come across a lynching that he breaks up. Matt holds the boy who was the star attraction at the necktie party, until a proper investigation can be done. Matt gives the young fellow a chance. He just seems to be a little misguided, and inexperienced. A push either way could send him down a path of being good, or bad. Matt tries to offer a helping hand, encouraging him to get a job, but will the young man take his chance to make good? The downhill path always is so much easier than an uphill one. It looks as though Matt will need to switch to some tactics more along the lines of tough love. Will the young guy learn? He thinks he can handle his own, but can he? When you're walking a tight rope, with danger all around, how many mis-steps do you get before you fall? One is one too many.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – The Fish Dinner. 490927. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Fibber decides to invite friends over for dinner. Doc Gamble visits for a dose of abuse. Teeny stops in to tell about school. Billy Mills plays, Fiddle Dee Dee. Milt the delivery boy shows off his girlfriend. Harlow Wilcox pops in for the commercial, and talks about fish. Mayor LaTrivia visits, and takes the McGees up on their invitation. The McGees get him flustered when they get confused over the mayor being on the ball. The Kingsmen sing about, Ickabod and Mr Toad. With all the guests ready, all that's needed is Wallace Wimple with the order of fish. For now Ole the Janitor stops in with a word about dinner at his house. Wimple visits, tells about Sweetie Face, but what about the fish? McGee might be in danger of his guests. PS: Hey, remember the episode about Shrimps McGee, where Fibber pulled a sneaky plot twist for a happy ending? At least happy for he and Molly. Well, no such luck this time.

 Inner Sanctum – Murder By Prophecy. 480927 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:19

In an old cemetary outside a New England town, a man finds himself trapped in a mausoleum. Flashback: The man is in need of cash to bail him out of trouble with creditors, and the IRS. Legend has it that his long dead relative hid a cache of treasure. The man gets a feeling of being led along, and finds himself in a library, talking to the old librarian about some mysterious reference materials. It becomes known that the old relative was not only rich, but was something of a prophet. There is a prophecy about our man. What is the interpretation of the prophecy? Will the cryptic clues lead down a trail of murder before he can get the treasure? With a prophecy on your side, you can't go wrong... can you? I mean, your fate is decided... right? Events unfold. The circumstances of the prophecy keep coming true. Still, with the murders piling the bodies up, surely the reward that await can't be the treasure that he expects, can it? Does the prophecy really deal out his fate? Surely there will be certain consequences as a result of his deeds. The prophecy does become fulfilled but prophecies can be funny things sometimes.

 Jubilee – Barney Bigard, Louis Jordan. 430927 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Hosted by Ernie Whitman, the Jubilee gets kicked off by Louis Jordan and, Pistol Packin Mama. Crooner, Faye Carrol sings, My Devotion. Ernie reads from the mail bag. Louis Jordan performs, while his vocalist sings, Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby. Ernie spoofs a commercial to promote Jubilee. After another dip into the mail bag, ernie introduces Louis Jordan who performs, I Can't Get Started With You. Barney Biggert plays, Roll Muddy Blues. Louis Jordan is back to wrap up the show with, Back in Naggasacky. Ernie and Louis share some parting words.

 Quiet Please – Light The Lamp For Me. 480926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

The setting is the old pueblo mission of San fernando. A modern visitor takes in the sights. The grafiti on the wall, the signs of years of wine making in the mission. Then he makes another discovery when he bends to retrieve his dropped lighter. In a dark recess, he finds, and lights a lamp. Suddenly he is transported back to a time gone by. What does it mean? The lamp's secret is learned, time travel. But the lamp isn't without its limits though. What would you do with a time traveling lamp? Listen to see what our host, Ernest Chapel does with his. Through joy and tears, there's safety in the past, but what about the future? What fears might lay ahead? How far might science, and society progress? The lamp allows unlimited trips to the past, but only allows one trip to the future, and can you get back, will it let you return? Enjoy a time travelling adventure with Ernest Chapel, will he be brave enough to take his one trip to the future? Will you be brave enough to go with him?

 The Shadow – The Gibbering Thing. 430926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:34

The Shadow, actually rich man about town Lamont Cranston, uses his powers to cvloud men's minds to seem invisible to those around him. Along with his assistant Margot Lane, the only other person in the world who knows his secret set out on another adventure of mystery. They go to visit Margot's aunt where the woods are said to be haunted by gibbering things. Then they discover a missing aunt. The mystery of the gibbering thingsis simple enough, they are just monkey's... or are they? Who is thehe creepy man in the woods who claims to be a professor? What happened to aunt Sue? The Shadow uses his unique tallents to learn the answers, especially when a body is found in the woods. While Lamont explores the woods, Margot is kidnapped by the professor. I think she's about to learn the secret behind the mystery, the hard way. Don't worry, the Shadow is still doing his prowling around. But what ever happened to aunt Sue? Things reach a rioutous point, but the Shadow is able to both calm things down, and bring justice. Sponsored by Blue Coal. Yes, it really is coal, and it really is blue. I don't have any living memories of such things but my dad told me how he used to drive a coal delivery truck and swears it's true. Then again, he was always the prankster. Wanting me to pull his finger, or doing the thing where he pulled his finger off, ate it, and made it reappear. Hmm...

 Great Gildersleeves – Leila Returns. 430926 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Leila Returns. As the show opens, we find the Judge and Gildersleeves escorting Miss Goodwin home. When the judge departs, Gildy asks Miss Goodwin for advice on deciding to get married. It becomes obvious that she isn't the one of his affections, so she becomes a little cold toward him. Next morning LeRoy teases Marjorie about her boyfriend. A letter comes from Leila, and though Gildersleeve's feelings are still hurt over their interupted wedding that was the season closer last season, he still enjoys her letter. Later, Gildy goes to Peavey's drug store for a sedative, and some conversation. As the time for Leila's train draws closer, every little thing gets under Gildy's skin. For a man who puts on pretense of not caring, Gildy seems to care an awful lot over what's happening with Leila. So, do they get back together? You'll have to listen and see.

 Dennis Day – Dennis Gives Up His Room for a Boarder. 480925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

Dennis opens with a song, Clancy Lowers the Boom. Mr Anderson is called out of town, leaving the family without a man in the house. Dennis tries his best to fill in, but Mrs Anderson decides to take in a border, even though it means Dennis will need to move to the cellar. Suddenly Dennis has a change of heart about taking on a border. He manages to get his own person to rent the room. Now he just has to discourage the other man from renting. Musical intermission: Dennis sings, You Call Everybody Darling. When the new renter arrives, Dennis shows him to the room. Just what is this guy's name? The man seems just a little wacky. Maybe he also has some criminal activity going on? A cop is on hand to haul in the criminal, but is having trouble trying to decide who is the real looney. Dennis closes the show and sings, Maybe You'll Be There. Right after a brief cameo from Judy Canova to plug her show.

 Command Performance – Bob Hope, Bing Crosby. 430925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:42

Hosted by Bob Hope, he has brought his cast from his USO tour, Francis Langford and Tony Romano. Bob takes time to crack a few jokes about his recent travels. Francis Langford sings, You'll Never Know. Bob makes a few more jokes as he introduces the Charioteers who sing, Pistol Packin Mama. Bob takes time to dip into the mail bag. He has even brought his orchestra that made his USO trip, and Tony Romano sings, Your Priceless to Me. Or at least tries to until Bob interupts him over some of the lyrics. Bing joins Bob for some joking around on various topics, and including some of the experiences of the recent USO tour. Bing is backed up by the Charioteers as he sings, Moonlight Bay. Bing and Bob's wisecracks are joined by Francis. Bing and Francis sing, These Foolish Things Remind Me of You. Bob closes with a few uplifting words.

 My Favorite Husband – nitting Baby Booties. 480924 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:03

Thus far the Cugat's haven't had kids, but George is hinting to Liz that maybe it's time. At the breakfast table, George gets onto Liz about a department store bill. Later George's friend, Corey, stops in for a visit to find Liz knitting baby booties. Soon rumor spreads that she and George are expecting. When George gets home, the misunderstanding continues. Of course Liz is just helping a friend who is the one expecting a baby, and when Liz takes her friend to the hospital for the big event, the comedy of errors and miscommunication continues. Plenty of plays on words, and comic misunderstandings you won't want to miss.

 Dragnet – Brick Bat Slayer. 490924. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

The documented drama of an actual crime. Travel step by step through a case from actual police files. Joe Friday and Ben Romero work the Homacide detail. Chief Ed Backstrand sends Joe and Ben on the case of a double murder. At the crime scene the brutal scene is investigated, and the murder weapon seems to be a red brick. Working with the crime lab technicians, Joe gathers all the evidence he can. Will it be enough? Through interviews of neighbors, and family members, Joe tries to locate the killer. Is he a psychopath? The profile of the killer begins to emerge through talking with the various witnesses. The cops set about the task of tightening up their dragnet and closing in on their suspect. Still, it takes days for results to creep in. Every market is checked, no stone left unturned, and the only sure thing is that the killer is somewhere within the police blockade. It comes down to the last city block, to the last apartment building, and a foot race ensues to run down the killer in the streets.

 Gasoline Alley – The Adventure of the Unaccustomed Public Speaker. ep11, 480924. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:19

Audio is poor and muffled. Visit with your favorite friends from Gasoline Alley. The garage is a beehive of activity. As they work, Wilmer brags about his prowess at public speaking. Getting side tracked by a phone call from his wife, Wilmer jots down a shopping list on his notes for a speech. I feel a mix up coming on. Let's join the crowd in the school auditorium where speeches are to be given to the ladies group. Sure enough, nerves push Wilmer into making a few mistakes, but he manages to be a big hit anyway.

 On Stage – Penny Ante. 530923. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

It's poker night and Elliot tries to get his buddies together. Complications are sure to set in, and not even a friendly game of bridge can be put together. Elliot is aching to do something, but will his wife want to take a last minute trip to Las Vegas? I feel a road trip coming on. Elliot begins to have outstanding luck at the slots. Could this be the kind of night a gambler dreams of? He switches from his nickel bets to dollars, then to the high stakes. The gambling spree catches the attention of the casino ownership, but will this scare off Elliot? Can anything, or anybody take him away from his winning streak? Elliot doubles his money, then doubles it again. When will he know when his lucky streak wil end? Listen in and join the thrill of winning big bucks in Vegas, and even if Elliot loses it all, at least it didn't cost you a thing, just the well spent time listening to his adventure.

 Burns and Allen – George Writes a Newspaper Column. 400923. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:42

The opening joking around covers bases about performing ability, hotels, and publicity. George has decided to write a newspaper collumn and after getting nowhere with Gracie and Senor Lee, he tries to get input from his Harvard educated sound man for story ideas. The Smoothies sing, Thats For Me. The cast members are still giving George a hard time, and offering nothing but jokes for story ideas. Suddenly a break comes, and a gangster is on the loose. Senor Lee sings, Yo Queiro. After George wrote a column on the gangster, the tough guy is coming to look for George. Can he get protection from the cops? Don't count on it. Maybe the cast will help George out. Artie Shaw plays a transitioning tune, then the gangster shows up and George wisely goes into hiding. Desperate, George disguises himself in a dress, but will the racketeer believe that George is Gracie's aunt Clara? I feel a continuation coming on. Stay tuned for the further misadventures of the cross dressing George, especially when the gangster develops a crush on aunt Clara.


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