Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Mr Keen – The Case Of Murder and The Bloodstained Necklace. 490915 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

In the hallway of a hotel, a man knocks desperately at a door. A bellboy arrives to deliver some ice water. They enter to find the body of the woman inside. The unusual case gets the attention of Mr Keen. One puzzling factor is the string of pearls in the hand of the dead woman. Was she killed over the jewlery? She is said to have not owned anything expensive, and the pearls are of a low grade, not worth much. First up, Mr Keen talks to the man who found her, the jewel appraiser who was called to her room, and was beating on her door. Why would an appraiser be called if she didn't own any fancy jewels? A suspicious character emerges, the brother in law of the dead woman. The brother, and the lady he is sharing the room in the hotel with certainly seem to be some shady characters. How convenient, but did he really do it? . Suddenly, all the suspicious characters in the story are in the hotel room. Besides the couple, there's the bellboy, and a man who was a customer in the jewelry store. Mike tracks down one final clue about the will that was left by the dead woman's dead husband. The case isn't finished, but Mr Keen has a handle on the solution, and is about to blow the lid off. Listen for all the details,and see if you have it figured out as well.

 Danger Doctor Danfield – Nola Jerrolds Wants to Kill Her Husband. ep5, 460915. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:05

The body of Victor Jerrolld is found, and his wife claims to have amnesia due to trauma, but before he even arrives, Dan fills in Miss Fairfax with the profiles on the players, and that he is confident he will know the killer within an hour. Applying his skill at psychology, and reading human behavior, Dr Danfield asks the questions to bring out the clues he needs. The threat from the wife to kill her husband emerges, as does a dramatic retelling of events through flashback. Dan is certain that the wife is lying, and sets out to prove that she never lost her memory despite her great lengths to make people believe she did. In his casual style, Dan confidently gathers information to prove his case. Still confused? Don't worry, Dan explains his trap, and what clued him in to solve the mystery.

 Vic and Sade – It’s Algebra, Uncle Fletcher. 411009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

While Vic and Sade are out for the evening, playing cards with the Stembottoms, Uncle Fletcher pops in to help Rush with his algebra homework. With his pencil sharpened, Fletcher is ready for action as he shares his wealth of academic knowledge with his young disciple. Can our young dog, teach the old dog a new trick? Or will Fletcher spend more time grinding down his sharpened pencil to a nub before he gets to the bottom of telling distracting stories about his friends he has met through the years?

 Dragnet – The Big Cut. 540914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:40

A jewelry store has been robbed, and the theif has escaped. It's Joe Friday's job to find him. Friday, and partner Frank Smith question the store employees, and look for clues. Fingerprints, and stains that prove to be blood. More interviews with suspects, and a tip from another of the police departments gives Friday a good trail to follow. An ex-con with stolen goods takes Friday further down the trail of stolen goods. A trail that leads to their man. Joe Friday gathers hard evidence along the way that will seal the fate of the robber.

 Lights Out – The Word. 430914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:53

A story with no terror, but of a strange and wonderful day. At the time this show was produced, World War 2 was raging. It was probably becoming hard to imagine a day when it would all be over. A young couple spend the day together, The last thing they want to hear is news from the war as they visit the observation platform of a sky scraper. From their vantage point, distant from the city below it's easy to imagine a world without all the grit and grime of life. The newlyweds make observations as they see the sights. Something strange seems to be brewing in the clouds as they talk about their future, and what it may hold. Time comes to descend back to street level, and reality. Suddenly they seem to be the only people in the world. Technology seems to be out of service. Unease sets in, and maybe a little worry. What does this mean? What is going on? With all the horrors of war, might this be one answer of how God might intervene?

 Richard Diamond – Florida Buried Treasure. 510119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

His quiet night of having little to do is brought to a harsh end when a couple of thugs give Dick Diamond a beating. Why do they want to do that? The roughing up is to convince Dick to avoid taking a certain case. Guess who comes calling at our hero's door? How much money will it take Dick Diamond to forget being beaten to a pulp? The story of Mr Worton's son emerges. The younger Worton has spent time in prison for a murder that he didn't commit. The ruse was pulled off so well that even the younger Worton believes that he killed a man. The travesty of justice, combined with a nice paycheck is enough to appeal to Dick, but he may have trouble avoiding his not so friendly thugs. Wade through a parade of shady characters, gangsters, and scandal. Dick has his hands full as he tries to see that justice is served. How will he bring the real killer to justice? Despite his efforts facing off with the dangerous hardcases, Dick may find the job is one that has taken care of itself.

 Burns and Allen – Gracie the Actress. 430914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

Guest is Brian Donlevy. The Blondettes sing a short version of, Thank Your Lucky Stars. Morning in the Burns home, and George is nervously pacing. The laundry hasn't been done, and George can't finish dressing. Gracie can't get to it since she's expecting her acting lesson. Without his shirt, George gets a variety of comments from Gracie, the acting teacher, and even Bill Goodwin as they each see him. As Bill delivers the commercial, George finishes dressing. George discovedrs the laundry service sent him the wrong shirts, they are Brian Donlevy's. Time for a song, and Jimmy Cash sings, How Sweet You Are. Gracie gets right on the project of getting the shirts back to Brian Donlevy. She tries to convince Brian to join her theater troupe. He won't do it for fame or fortune, but after Gracie tells lies about George, he does it out of pity. Not to mention giving George a piece of his mind. The orchestra plays, Sunday, Monday, or Always. To teach George a lesson which he doesn't deserve, Brian forces George to do his laundry, which is prime territory for Bill Goodwin to plug the sponsor, Swan soap. Coming to his senses, Brian tries to get back at Gracie by ruining his lines for the play. He don't know her very well does he! It'll take more than just ruined lines to discourage Gracie though.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Has A Nervous Breakdown. 420116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:00

On the first day of his job working for Abner, Mousey learns that he was only hired to teach a Lum a lesson. Abner is ready to be charitible to Lum again, but often these things tend to work out a half step too late. Thinking he has some inside scoop, Lum plans to have a nervous breakdown in an attempt to play on Abner's sympathy. Will Lum's fake breakdown work? What does a person with a nervous breakdown look like anyway?

 Quiet Please – Symphony In D Minor. 480913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:17

Ernest Chapel is your host, and narrator with some of the creepiest shows of the week. He recounts a tale of a recent encounter with a blind man. The blind man claims he can hypnotize a man, even against his will. He has a little audio device, which is very annoying if you ask me, but soon he proves his point. Ray, our narrator, still has trouble believing it. When he returns to talk to the blind man, his secrets aren't safe. Ray has been putting the moves on the blind man's wife, and hypnotizes Ray to kill his wife when a certain part of a Symphony is played. As Ray is with her, and confident of his abilities, the blind guy calls the cops. However, due to an accidental blown fuse, their record player stops and the cops don't find the body that was reported. Ray comes to his senses, and realizes what was intended, then makes his own fool proof plan to kill the blind man. His plan is fool proof, right?

 Lux Radio Theater – Phantom of the Opra. 430913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:06

Nelson Eddie, Basil Rathbone, and Susan Foster. The classic story of the behind the scenes spookiness at the grand opera house. Nelson eddy is the narrator, and star baritone of the opera. Basil Rathbone is Claudan, the humble violinist. Barely surviving by selling his music, Claudan has his music stolen one night, followed by a disfiguring accident. He disappears from his social circles, and is soon forgotten. Hints of things to come arrive in the form of a policeman, claiming that Claudan is suspected of turning to a life of murder. Creepy, but the horror is yet to come. Little by little, odd things begin to occur in the opera house during performances. Illness allows Christine the understudy, and person of Claudan's affections to get her chance to take center stage. When people stand in the way of Christines performing, they end up as corpses. The poolice aren't unaware of the situation, and plan to set a trap for the unknown killer. The police suspect Nelson Eddie, but he has reason to think Claudan is behind it and stays watchful. The suspense escalates when christine is missing. A man with a cloak and mask was seen carrying her away. How could this happen? It turns out that the police force, in order to be incognito, chose to blend in by wearing a cloak and mask. Hmm... brilliant. Driven by his love, Claudan steals Christine away to his lair beneath the opera house. He wants her to share his secret life, but will she? Can she? A race of suspense builds as Claudan tries to win her over, against Nelson Eddie searching the bowels of the theater to rescue her.

 Halls Of Ivy – Stolen First Edition. 500614 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

Vickie has a special gift for her academic husband. It's a rare first edition book that she picked up for a song at a college book sale. The romantic marital bliss is interupted by a telephone call to report that Mr Wellman is on the rampage, again. It seems that a particular book is missing from the campus collection. Can you guess which book it might be? A mystery develops as Doc Hall retraces the steps the rare volume has taken to fall into his possession. The job of a college bookstore worker is on the line. Not to mention the chance to thwart a few of the campus fuddy duddies. Truth is uncovered, and an elaborate plan, full of lies are layed out with the design to stick it to Doc Hall's rivals. Still, it's a full helping of the truth that saves the day, and soothes the frazzled nerves of the outraged faculty.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Hires Some Help. 420115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:01

After several discouraging days of selling pencils and magazines, Lum is determined to get his partnership back with Abner. You know he's desperate when he feels that Squire Skimp as his only hope. If there's any loopholes in the letter that Lum wrote to sign over his intgerest in the store, Squire just might be the one to find them. Instead, Lum has the chance to get hired by Abner, if his pride will let him do it. When Mousey enters, Lum tries to orchestrate the situation to get a job for Mouosey, and have Abner beg him to come back to the store.

 Vic and Sade – Piercing Blue Eyes. 440616 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:13

Sade tries to share the latest news from her day, but she notices Vic making faces. What's the story behind his odd behavior? A classic show that has inspired me to become poetic. Sonnet to Vic's Peircing Blue Eyes. O Victor Gook, with piercing eyes so blue; in a mirror you look upon your face. Sade is now asking, "What is it you do?" O those eyes are the highlight of your face. You can' help it, you persist and rejoice, Lo, Sade's amused, but it is not her whish To pronounce your words in a deeper voice. Is she impressed? No, she only says, "Ish!" How far will you go with this newfound thing? Though she's amused Sade wants you to quit it, But you can't stop 'cause the phone's a ringing, and it's all avout what ice cream to get. The world soon learns of a new lease on life Despite the embarrassment of your wife. PS: This poor attempt at poetry is dedicated to @oldzora.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – A Drama In Ancient Rome. 370913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:39

Fibber tries to write a play about Julius Caesar in ancient Rome. Rather than a visit, Abigail Uppington phones in to get insulted by fat jokes. Billy Mills plays, Goodbye Jonah. Fibber and Molly go to a costume shop for wardrobe for their play. The shop is run by the Old Timer. Fibber bumps into Teeny who is looking for Halloween masks. Barry Coleman sings, I Saw You Last Night. Time for the casting call. All the usual mix of characters are there to run through the script. Billy Mills plays a tune, Cross Your Heart. Finally, the show goes on, and we are treated by Fibbers version of Julius Caesar. Cute, even punny.

 Superman – Professor Thorpe’s Bathysphere Part 9of12, 400913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:04

Superman. September 13, 1940. Program #93. Mutual net. Commercials added locally. Superman takes the dying Captain Maddox to port and medical assistance. Bill Wentworth and Jimmy Olsen run from Escobar's men and are trapped in a burning building! Bud Collyer, Jackie Kelk. 12:16. Audio condition: Very good to excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Golden


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