Mr Keen – The Case Of Murder and The Bloodstained Necklace. 490915

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the hallway of a hotel, a man knocks desperately at a door. A bellboy arrives to deliver some ice water. They enter to find the body of the woman inside. The unusual case gets the attention of Mr Keen. One puzzling factor is the string of pearls in the hand of the dead woman. Was she killed over the jewlery? She is said to have not owned anything expensive, and the pearls are of a low grade, not worth much. First up, Mr Keen talks to the man who found her, the jewel appraiser who was called to her room, and was beating on her door. Why would an appraiser be called if she didn't own any fancy jewels? A suspicious character emerges, the brother in law of the dead woman. The brother, and the lady he is sharing the room in the hotel with certainly seem to be some shady characters. How convenient, but did he really do it? . Suddenly, all the suspicious characters in the story are in the hotel room. Besides the couple, there's the bellboy, and a man who was a customer in the jewelry store. Mike tracks down one final clue about the will that was left by the dead woman's dead husband. The case isn't finished, but Mr Keen has a handle on the solution, and is about to blow the lid off. Listen for all the details,and see if you have it figured out as well.