Halls Of Ivy – Stolen First Edition. 500614

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Vickie has a special gift for her academic husband. It's a rare first edition book that she picked up for a song at a college book sale. The romantic marital bliss is interupted by a telephone call to report that Mr Wellman is on the rampage, again. It seems that a particular book is missing from the campus collection. Can you guess which book it might be? A mystery develops as Doc Hall retraces the steps the rare volume has taken to fall into his possession. The job of a college bookstore worker is on the line. Not to mention the chance to thwart a few of the campus fuddy duddies. Truth is uncovered, and an elaborate plan, full of lies are layed out with the design to stick it to Doc Hall's rivals. Still, it's a full helping of the truth that saves the day, and soothes the frazzled nerves of the outraged faculty.