Vic and Sade – Piercing Blue Eyes. 440616

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sade tries to share the latest news from her day, but she notices Vic making faces. What's the story behind his odd behavior? A classic show that has inspired me to become poetic. Sonnet to Vic's Peircing Blue Eyes. O Victor Gook, with piercing eyes so blue; in a mirror you look upon your face. Sade is now asking, "What is it you do?" O those eyes are the highlight of your face. You can' help it, you persist and rejoice, Lo, Sade's amused, but it is not her whish To pronounce your words in a deeper voice. Is she impressed? No, she only says, "Ish!" How far will you go with this newfound thing? Though she's amused Sade wants you to quit it, But you can't stop 'cause the phone's a ringing, and it's all avout what ice cream to get. The world soon learns of a new lease on life Despite the embarrassment of your wife. PS: This poor attempt at poetry is dedicated to @oldzora.