Richard Diamond – Florida Buried Treasure. 510119

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: His quiet night of having little to do is brought to a harsh end when a couple of thugs give Dick Diamond a beating. Why do they want to do that? The roughing up is to convince Dick to avoid taking a certain case. Guess who comes calling at our hero's door? How much money will it take Dick Diamond to forget being beaten to a pulp? The story of Mr Worton's son emerges. The younger Worton has spent time in prison for a murder that he didn't commit. The ruse was pulled off so well that even the younger Worton believes that he killed a man. The travesty of justice, combined with a nice paycheck is enough to appeal to Dick, but he may have trouble avoiding his not so friendly thugs. Wade through a parade of shady characters, gangsters, and scandal. Dick has his hands full as he tries to see that justice is served. How will he bring the real killer to justice? Despite his efforts facing off with the dangerous hardcases, Dick may find the job is one that has taken care of itself.