Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Family Doctor – Nature Takes It’s Course. ep17, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:51

A man can't ever tell when a riot, or other violence might break out. As a few of the stodgey old codgers complain about the doom and gloom of the current generation, word arrives that Mr Guffy's little girl has disappeared. The worried dad calls on the sheriff. Has she just run away from home, or is there something more serious happening? Doc Adams takes time from healing the sick to join the search party. Will young Esther be found? Is there trouble in her home life? How, or why would a 5 year old girl be so far from home, and on a railroad track. Look out, the 8:15 is racing around the bend! Listen in to the small town drama to learn the answers to the question. A happy ending is sure to await.. I hope.

 Our Miss Brooks – Faculty Cheer Leader. 490918. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:04

Connie's dreams are shattered when the alarm reminds her of reality. She tells Mrs Davis about the new scool scheme to make a faculty a part of the cheerleading squad. Not to mention that Mr Conklin is still on his non fraternizing kick. Meanwhile in the Conklin home, Harriot has some troubling news for her dad. To compete with a rival principal, Conklin makes some last minute changes to his cheerleader policy. Back at Connie's, Walter talks with her about Mr Boynton, school gossip, and the new school policies. At School Connie gets caught up with Boynton and Macdugal. Friendships are renewed, as is the rivalry with Miss Enright. Teachers can be such big kids sometimes. Later, Conklin confronts Connie, and a popularity contest for that faculty cheerleading position begins between the two. Don't miss the fun. Who will come out on top? The ever popular Miss Brooks, or the cantankerous Mr Conklin? PS: I think this recording could actually be from a later year, although the script may also have been aired on this date.

 Dennis Day – ep87 Dennis and Mr Anderson Go Out on the Town. 480918 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Dennis opens with a song, Hair of Gold and Eyes of Blue. Dennis is down in the dumps so Mr Anderson decides to take him to his gentleman's club to enjoy a boys night out. They spin a little lie to distract Mrs Anderson into letting them go. After the lie grows into something a bit larger, dennis sings, I'm Sorry but I'm Glad. At the club smoker, the party is in full swing. Coarse joking, bubble dancers, and even... compromising pictures? When the picture is due to hit the newspaper, all the guys will be in trouble when their lies are exposed. They have a plan to intercept the picture. Will it work? Can Dennis save the day? Dennis wraps up with a song, In the Still of the Night.

 Vic and Sade – Five Hundred Bijou Tickets. 440619. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:04

Vic marvels at the windfall of a roll of tickets to the Bijou theater. Where did they come from, and why is Sade so unconcerned over the gift from her garbageman? Vic thinks there might be something dishonest going on. Can Russel and Sade conbince him otherwise? Sade begins to come around to Vic's preaching on ethics and being cheated, but the movie loving Russel will be a more difficult nut to crack.

 Superman – Professor Thorpe’s Bathysphere Part 11of12, 400918 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:04

Superman. September 18, 1940. Program #95. Mutual net. Commercials added locally. There are mines in the channel, the "Juanita" will be blown up any second! Superman to the rescue! Jimmy Olsen disobeys Clark Kent's instructions in an attempt to recover the gold. Bud Collyer. 13:00. Audio condition: Excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Golden

 father knows best – New Girlfriend. 500928. (retro398) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:36

The typical day in the Anderson home is interupted when it becomes clear that Bud is in love. What kind of wonderful girl can keep Bud from eating? What is it that has him acting silly, and asking romantic questions from his parents? Will dad's romantic advice about sitting on the front porch work for Bud? With everything going so dreamily with Bud, we learn that Betty is having a little more of a rough road with her boyfriend. All the teenage drama has mom and dad glad that all Cathy does around the house is break windows. Trying to keep on the current events happening in Korea, dad gets to meet the new girlfriend, Eloise. The syrupy sweet gal makes a sticky imnpression with dad, but the claws come out when Betty finds that her rival has her eyes on Bud. The agony of teen drama explodes, but all dad wants is some peace and uiet, sohe he can listen to his news broadcast. Will young romance win out? Later in the dark of the night, a bump in the night turns out to only be Bud. But it's a moment where dad can have a short heart to heart talk with his son. Bonus Trac k: Hank Williams. 1950. Long Lost Blues.

 Gunsmoke – Thoroughbreds. 550917. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:11

On a dry, hot, dusty trail, Matt and Chester finally come across a water source. They also find an odd character there as well. From all signs, he's a horse thief, but in his haste to get away, he has headed straight towards Dodge City. Matt gets the details on the fancy dressed man from Miss Kitty. Portus has become a favorite in town with his thoroughbred horses, and free spending. What's he doing in these parts from his aledged hometown in Oklahoma? Matt isn't entirely convinced about the story. All it takes is time, and charges of murder and theft reach Matt. Now he has to deal with a couple riders out for revenge on the man who stole their horses. Can Matt find Portus before violence breaks out? There's still one more detail that needs to be resolved about those horses.

 Red Skelton – Deadeye Trades In His Horse. 480917 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

Red and Rod O'Conner talk about the gasoline shortage, and their plans for the upcoming weekend. The talk turns from politics toward sleeping bags, also bears in National Parks. The Four Knights sing, Drop That Gun. People You'll Meet Sooner or Later: Features Deadeye, who is having horse trouble. He chats with Verna Felton as Vulture Bait Kate. He then goes to Honest Injun the honest horse dealer. David Rose plays, It's Magic. A Page from the Mean Little Kid's Diary: Junior tries to explain how he got a black eye. While he awaits company that is coming, Junior raids the candy dish. He swipes it, and mom and grandma confront him.

 My Favorite Husband – Liz And The General. 480917 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:03

Liz and George enjoy a breakfast. He is busy with his morning paper, and Liz wants some attention. They remember breakfast times of years gone past. The discussion turns to their eccentric neighbor, the General. With George gone to work, Liz visits their neighbor, and listens to his war stories. Later he comes to Liz's place for another round of bragging on his war experiences. All the fun has Liz and Katie worn out. The next day George gets to be part of the fun on a museum trip. The old guy is starved for attention, and the Cugat's are just too nice to say no to him. How will they ever get rid of him? They develop a plan, but will it work?

 On Stage – The Crustatian. ep35, 530916. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

In the opening of the show, Cathy and Elliot give the definition of a crustatian. A sea animal in a shell. As the story unfolds, we find Elliot is an introvert who is talking to a police detective. Vic manages to lure Elliot out of his shell a little, but is it going to be enough? Shells are easy to crawl back into. Elliot stays firmly entrenched in his shell, since he seems to get his feelings hurt everytime he tries to poke his head out. He has a knack with colors that plays out to be an important part of the story. As he opens up, we learn more about Elliots ideas, and ways his girlfriend encouraged him to cash in on those ideas. What do colors have to do in the story, and answer how Elliot ended up in the police station? What ideas is his girlfriend taking advantage of him over? What are his ideas that he has been taken advantage over? PS: I don't think the guy needs to come out of a shell, as much as he is definitely a man with some depression, self esteem, and other mental illnesses to overcome. Still, he makes an interesting witness for the cos.

 Burns and Allen – George Needs a Guest Star. 400916. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

A new radio season begins, and it appears that Burns and Allen have transitioned from Summer replacement status, to regular season. As a new problem is addressed, the need for a guest star, Senor Lee and Artie Shaw tell about going to the Brown Derby. With the search for a guest, might this be the sound man's big chance to do more than slam doors? The Smoothies sing, Trade Winds. Since George can't afford the real stars, he goes with a mimic. While he waits for the impersonator, George pitches an idea for a sketch, and Gracie shoots holes in his plot. Will the impersonator work out? Artie Shaw plays a tune. The sponsor demands that George get Clark Gable for the show. Can they fake it through the play with using only their impersonator? George gives it his best effort for a serious medical drama, but Gracie's one liners keep the comedy coming. As was the custom in these early shows, Gracie closes with a song, Would You Be So Kindly.

 Lone Ranger – The Trust of Barnaby. 380916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:03

The town of Flat Rock is located square in the middle of gold country. A place where it's all a sheriff can do to keep peace, let alone dispense fair justice. Barnaby gets some news that his niece, nephew, and their baby sibling of undetermined gender are arriving on the nex stage coach. If they arrive, it will spoil his plans. He sends his mining partner to send them away, claiming there has been a cave in, and other disasters with the mine. While waiting, Tonto over hears their plight, and offers hope that they will be able to stay. The mining partner races back to Barnaby with the news that the kids will be heading out anyway, and figure they can tolerate them for a week, until the next stage heads East. Meanwhile, the Lone Ranger and Tonto escort the kids. Though he is assuring with the kids, he smells a rat. The kids have a matter of an inheritance at stake. Can the Lone Ranger help them secure it? Is Barnaby really as corrupt as he is letting on? What will become of the orphaned kids, will they be able to stay, or have to return to an orphanage in the East? Things begin to take a serious turn when murder gets involved. The Lone Ranger works his magic to ensure that justice is done.

 Superman – Professor Thorpe’s Bathysphere Part 10of12, 400916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:33

Superman. September 16, 1940. Program #94. Mutual net. Commercials added locally. Superman rescues Jimmy Olsen and Bill Wentworth from the burning hotel. Escobar and Carlos plant explosive mines in the channel to sink the "Juanita." Bud Collyer, Jackie Kelk. 12:48. Audio condition: Very good to excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Golden

 Jack Benny – House Of Benny. 340831 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:47

Audio is fair. Jack jokes about Don's generosity, character traits, and size. Mary enters to pitch in on the topic of dreams. After getting in his own joke about dreams, Don Bester plays, and the entire number makes it into the show. Frank Parker sings, and his song also makes it in as well. Responding to fan mail, and based on last week's spoof of House of Rothchild, Jack gives a fictional glimpse of what it was like growing up in his childhood house in Waukegan. Listen in to witness the birth of Jack, and about his happy childhood. Listen as he learns to play the violin. How did Jack get his start at being a Master of Ceremonies? Why didn't he follow in his father's career path? Join in and witness Jack's whirlwind vaudeville career, and his brief interuption when the war broke out. What ever happened to Jack? Did he wind up as a tramp? Will his dad be happy with his radio career? Note: A history that's definitely loosely based on the truth. Some truth about Jack is that did learn to play the violin at an early age. He did have a long vaudeville career that was interupted by his service in World War 1. He did switch from the violin, to comedy, to being an Emcee, but not exactly as portrayed. Of course, Mary's role in his real life was not as his sister, and she wasn't born for the early scenes of Jack as a boy. Very creative comedy though, and one of my favorites of this early period.

 Philip Marlowe – Sound And The Unsound. 510915. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

In his shabby apartment, Philip gets connected with his next case. The landlady has been hearing suspicious tapping sounds, and wants Philip's expertise in figuring it out. Mr Larry seems to be hiding something, but the problem seems to be all in the imagination of the landlady. Then a gunshot is heard. Time to get the cops involved. Homer, the security guard, is suspected in playing a part by Marlowe, and he finally catches up to the man. Played by Arthur Q Brian. Marlowe keeps poking around to stir things up. Some truth comes to light about royalty that fled their homeland, and more drama related to it. Who is the killer? What's the motive behind the mystery? In the end, Marlowe explains it all.


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