Lone Ranger – The Trust of Barnaby. 380916

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The town of Flat Rock is located square in the middle of gold country. A place where it's all a sheriff can do to keep peace, let alone dispense fair justice. Barnaby gets some news that his niece, nephew, and their baby sibling of undetermined gender are arriving on the nex stage coach. If they arrive, it will spoil his plans. He sends his mining partner to send them away, claiming there has been a cave in, and other disasters with the mine. While waiting, Tonto over hears their plight, and offers hope that they will be able to stay. The mining partner races back to Barnaby with the news that the kids will be heading out anyway, and figure they can tolerate them for a week, until the next stage heads East. Meanwhile, the Lone Ranger and Tonto escort the kids. Though he is assuring with the kids, he smells a rat. The kids have a matter of an inheritance at stake. Can the Lone Ranger help them secure it? Is Barnaby really as corrupt as he is letting on? What will become of the orphaned kids, will they be able to stay, or have to return to an orphanage in the East? Things begin to take a serious turn when murder gets involved. The Lone Ranger works his magic to ensure that justice is done.