Our Miss Brooks – Faculty Cheer Leader. 490918.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Connie's dreams are shattered when the alarm reminds her of reality. She tells Mrs Davis about the new scool scheme to make a faculty a part of the cheerleading squad. Not to mention that Mr Conklin is still on his non fraternizing kick. Meanwhile in the Conklin home, Harriot has some troubling news for her dad. To compete with a rival principal, Conklin makes some last minute changes to his cheerleader policy. Back at Connie's, Walter talks with her about Mr Boynton, school gossip, and the new school policies. At School Connie gets caught up with Boynton and Macdugal. Friendships are renewed, as is the rivalry with Miss Enright. Teachers can be such big kids sometimes. Later, Conklin confronts Connie, and a popularity contest for that faculty cheerleading position begins between the two. Don't miss the fun. Who will come out on top? The ever popular Miss Brooks, or the cantankerous Mr Conklin? PS: I think this recording could actually be from a later year, although the script may also have been aired on this date.