Family Doctor – Nature Takes It’s Course. ep17, 1932

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man can't ever tell when a riot, or other violence might break out. As a few of the stodgey old codgers complain about the doom and gloom of the current generation, word arrives that Mr Guffy's little girl has disappeared. The worried dad calls on the sheriff. Has she just run away from home, or is there something more serious happening? Doc Adams takes time from healing the sick to join the search party. Will young Esther be found? Is there trouble in her home life? How, or why would a 5 year old girl be so far from home, and on a railroad track. Look out, the 8:15 is racing around the bend! Listen in to the small town drama to learn the answers to the question. A happy ending is sure to await.. I hope.