Gunsmoke – Thoroughbreds. 550917.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a dry, hot, dusty trail, Matt and Chester finally come across a water source. They also find an odd character there as well. From all signs, he's a horse thief, but in his haste to get away, he has headed straight towards Dodge City. Matt gets the details on the fancy dressed man from Miss Kitty. Portus has become a favorite in town with his thoroughbred horses, and free spending. What's he doing in these parts from his aledged hometown in Oklahoma? Matt isn't entirely convinced about the story. All it takes is time, and charges of murder and theft reach Matt. Now he has to deal with a couple riders out for revenge on the man who stole their horses. Can Matt find Portus before violence breaks out? There's still one more detail that needs to be resolved about those horses.