Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Command Performance – Don Ameche, King Cole Trio, Betty Hutton. 431002 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:40

Hosted by Don Ameche. He takes a quick dip into the mailbag, then introduces the King Cole Trio who sing, Solid Potato Salad. Jack Douglas, comedian and singer takes over with a few words of humor. Topics include: family, girlfriend, and getting in a fight. The Army Air Force Band plays, Saludos Amigos. Don reads a few greetings from the mailbag. Al Dexter, author of the hit song, sings it, Pistol Packin Mama. Don introduces the group formerly known as the Vagabonds, now in the Merchant Marine, and now called the Merchant Marine Four as they sing the Tahitian Chant, Marcel lahini. They follow it up with a novelty version of You Are My Sunshine. Next, Don gives an intro to Betty Hutton. She reads from the mailbag then sings a tune from her latest film, Rocking Horse Ran Away. Don shares a few parting words.

 Gunsmoke – The Barton Boy. 551001. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

When Chester and Matt meet the train into Dodge City, they are expecting a $20000 shipment on the baggage car. What they find is the baggage car attendant, Ed Barton has been killed, and his son Billy, who accompanied him in the car, has been shot and wounded. Interviewing Billy, Matt's suspicions are confirmed as how the robbery went down, but now Matt has another worry. Is the killer still lurking nearby? Matt investigates while Chester guards the recovering Billy in the jail. Matt always gets his mam. Well almost. Chester is a diligent guard, and hasn't lost any prisoners. Well, most of the time. A week goes by, and a string ofr the suspects in town are led before Billy. No luck. Should Matt keep up his defensive posture, and keep Billy under lock down? Should he take the offensive and hunt down the killer? Matt takes his best leads and follows the chain of people who knew about the shipment to solve the mystery, and get his man.

 Red Skelton – Salute to National Paperboy Day. 481001 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Red offers congradulations to Rod about his newborn baby girl. Rod mentions saluting Newspaper Boy Day, and conversation turns down that lane. The Four Knights sing, Walking with My Shadow. People you Will Meet Sooner or Later: Willie Lumplump goes to court. He has had some trouble with disturbing the peace, but with his comments to the judge, he probably isn't helping his case. He has to explain the infraction that happened on the parking lot he owns. Or at least he thinks he owns it. David Rose plays, Twelth Street Rag. A Page from the Mean Little Kid's Diary: It's early morning in the house, and nobody is awake yet, except Junior. He tries to get mom up, then grandma, but no luck. With enough harrassing, he finally gets grandma to tell him a story... sort of.

 Perry Mason – Honeymoon Murder Case Part 1. 1950 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:24

In the courtroom, witness after witness has been giving honest testimony. It all adds together to make Perry's client look guilty. The toll of the events are beginning to take their toll on emotions as we join the continujing drama. Will guilty secrets be revealed? How will it impact Perry's case if those secrets are discovered? In the courtroom, Perry uses strategy to make his opponent think the fight has been beaten out of him. Will the plan work? Della thinks Perry might be risking it all.

 Mothers Best Flour – First Song, I Cant Help It If Im Still In Love With You. ep29, 510215 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:10

Playlist: Hank sings, I Can't Help it if I'm Still In Love with You. Get ready for some steel guitar fun with, Pan Handle Rag. It's hymn time and Hank sings, Gathering Flowers for the Masters Bouquet.

 Jack Benny – Rosebowl. 480104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

As a new year begins, Jack and his cast flashback to their trip to the Rosebowl game. Going against his stingy character, Jack surprises everyone when he springs for the tickets to the game. Before going, Mary jokes about her recent illness, and the doctor that Jack referred her to visit. A joke that runs through the rest of the episode. With this being the cold and flu season, the Sportsmen are out with illness, but never fear, they are replaced by their wives just for today. As the big date to attend the game goes down, enjoy a glimpse of Jack on a date with Mary, scalpers, and fun with other cast members. There's even a trip in the Maxwell with Rochester to add a few laughs. What would a new years show be without a fedw drinking jokes with Phil Harris? Mr Kitzel sells a few hotdogs, before the bigf moment to enter the stadium arrives as the show comes to a final punch line.

 You Are There – Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, 1865AD. 470707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

After the recent surrender, and end of the Civil War, the night is festive as president Lincoln prepares for a night on the town. CBS reporters interview key players as they await the arrival of the president. The affair has all the gala found in a modern red carpet event. Ford's theater is the focal point, and VIP's of the nation's capital are all in attendance. With the war over, the band plays Dixie at the presidents request. Reporters transition to the inside of the theater for a glimpse of the play that so many are going to see for some comic relaxation. A description of the theater layout and decoration is offered for the listener of the radio broadcast. A shot rings out, and things grow hectic as reporters speculate over the full details. The president is taken to a near by shop to be layed out for medical attention, but he is never to recover. A manhunt is sent out for the shooter, and a series of attempted murders are told about. What does it all mean? Will they catch the killer? Tune in all the way to the end for a moving dramatic portrayal of the last moments of one of America's greatest presidents. Also some spooky premonitions that were had by the president himself, as told by one of his close aids. Condolance messages pour in from around the globe, from leaders of various world powers. PS: according to one biography on general Grant, he was to have attended the play along with Lincoln. After some exhausting travel after the surrender, and eager to return home to his wife, he declined the invitation to be present in the presidential box, and was on a Westbound train at the time of the shooting. It is said that he regretted his decision, and was certain that if he were present, that things would have ended up differently.

 Great Gildersleeves – Marshall Bullards Party. 450617 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

The troubles of the daily routine are broken up when something strange is brewing at the Bullard home. Trying not to appear as being snoopy, Gildy discovers that the preparations are for a big social affair. Though the adults are baffled, Marjorie knows all about it. It's a party for the young folk of town, but what is it about the party that has Marjorie so upset? Gildersleeves is oblivious to Marjorie's sudden apathy to his attempts to cheer her up. Will Ledroy's suggestion work out? What is actually needed is a feminine touch. Good thing Leila Ransom is on hamnd. As Marjorie heads out to be the belle of the ball, the guys are left at home. The ever annoying Craig Bullard comes over, since even his family has bribed him to disappear for a while. Leroy is left to entertain Craig, and Gildy seeks advice from his friend, Peavey. Together they show off their mechanical expertise. Later, Gildy and Leila reflect on the fun that the party goers are having. Listen in to catch a few romantic moments, broken up only by Leroy's interuptions. Gildy crons a tune under the June moon to his favorite gal, Goodnight Sweetheart.

 Phil Harris – Coconut Grove – the Cop On The Corner. 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:13

Roll the clok way back for an early gvlimpse at a young Phil Harris, before he joined up with Jack Benny. Playlist: Leah Raye sings, The Cop on the Corner. Phil sings, Underneath the Harlem Moon. The band plays, and Mr Smith sings, Nuts and Noodles.

 Jack Benny – Jack Benny Grocery. 341014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:46

Audio is poor, but is worth giving a listen. It's the first show for Jello, and Jack's first use of his well known opening, "Jello everybody". Don and Jack get in several jokes with the new sponsor as the theme. Mary gets in an age old joke, but when Jack tries it out on the cast, it goes over like a lead balloon, but somehow his failing is still funny. Don Bester's number is snipped. Jack plows on with a fictitious trio, the Three Chicken Sisters, who do better at joking around than at singing. Their song gets snipped anyway. Frank Parker sings, but the number is snipped. A whole lot of snipping going on with this episode. The featured attraction, inspired by the new sponsor is a play that takes place at a grocery store. Although full of humor, Jack and Mary could use a few lessons in customer service, but if they were any good at it, it wouldn't be nearly as funny. Lots of jokes about food, and family relationships.

 21st Precinct – The Cure. ep33, 540224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:22

Working the night shift, Captain Canelli faces a quiet night. A patrol car is sent out to check on a crime in progress. The young woman claims to be single, but the drunken man the cops pick up claims he lives there. Of course, the man is taken in to the precinct. Is he a prowler, or just too drunk to have found his place? There's a minor scuffle, but in voiceover Captain Canelli describes police procedure in handling unruly prisoners, and reporting policy in those cases. The next morning, the man is questioned and he tells the truth about his name, and what he was doing. He tells a story of his former wife and his son, and that he actually did live there a long time ago. In more voiceover Canelli tells the aftermath of the case. Is rehabilitation possible for George? The cops at least get the ball rolling in the right direction.

 Cisco Kid – The Blacksmith. 531112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:26

The village blacksmith isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and and is being used by a gang of thugs. As Cisco and Pancho enter the picture, we learn that they have been befriended by the blacksmith in the past. Sure proof that he's a good man, just misguided by the hardcases in his life at the moment. What dastardly plans do Curly and Earl have for the sheriff and his deputies? What kind of mess has Cisco walked into this time? Plans for murder and a bank robbery are laid with the purpose to set up the simple minded Jetty to take the blame. Gunplay breaks out during the bank robbery, and Cisco is hit. How badly is he injured? Don't worry, Cisco is OK, and he uses the ruse of being killed in the fight to lure the bandits into a false sense of security. He and Pancho also get the straight scoop from Jetty, who now sees the error of his ways. Can Cisco clear Jetty's name, and bring the thugs to justice? Get ready for plenty of horse riding, gun toting action as Cisco saves the day.

 World Adventurers Club – Borneo Diamond. ep4, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:45

Excellent audio quality. In search of the Borneo diamond a white man's treachery, and the loyalty of a native are revealed. PS: during a time of American history when racism was rampant, and nobody thought much about it being wrong, the role reversal of the white man's betrayal and the black native's trustworthiness would have been shocking to listeners of the time. An early attempt to show that the good or evil in people has nothing to do with the color of a person's skin, but the condition of their heart.

 Buster Brown Gang – Enchanted South Winds. 520920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

Don't miss another installment of Kula and his magical genie. Smiling Ed gets to story rolling, and we find Kula having to face down a wicked witch. The witch has sent a magic spell to cause the four winds to blow, and wreak havvock on the land. The genie battles with his powerful magic, but it's Kula who uses his brain to outsmart the witch. Armed with Kula's plan, the genie has the strategy he needs to match his magic against the witch. Will the witch be bannished? Will the forces of nature be set free to return to doing good? I think you know, but don't miss the adventure to see how things all work out. Smiling Ed is joined by Health nut, Jim Nasium. First, Ed sings, the Bluetail Fly. With a thump on his magic twanger, Froggie the Gremlin appears and torments Jim as he talks about keeping fit. Will Jim ever tell the kids about how to play Cricket?

 Dragnet – The Big Bible. 540928 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Joe Friday and Frank Smith are working the nightwatch in the Homacide Department. They respond to a suicide call. After entering the locked room where the body is located, Friday interviews the man's wife to get information, and details about the dead man. Then the mother in law is interviewed. A portrait of a broken marriage, and of the man's life is brought out, but nothing to doubt a suicide was committed. The lab later finds a discrepancy with the bullet that killed the man, and it becomes clear that the suicide is really a murder. The bullet is of a different calibre than the gun he held in his hand. Now the gun needs to be found, so the crime scene is reevaluated. The stories of the witnesses are reevaluated, and the mother in law breaks down and admits she did it.


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