21st Precinct – The Cure. ep33, 540224

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Working the night shift, Captain Canelli faces a quiet night. A patrol car is sent out to check on a crime in progress. The young woman claims to be single, but the drunken man the cops pick up claims he lives there. Of course, the man is taken in to the precinct. Is he a prowler, or just too drunk to have found his place? There's a minor scuffle, but in voiceover Captain Canelli describes police procedure in handling unruly prisoners, and reporting policy in those cases. The next morning, the man is questioned and he tells the truth about his name, and what he was doing. He tells a story of his former wife and his son, and that he actually did live there a long time ago. In more voiceover Canelli tells the aftermath of the case. Is rehabilitation possible for George? The cops at least get the ball rolling in the right direction.