Jack Benny – Jack Benny Grocery. 341014

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is poor, but is worth giving a listen. It's the first show for Jello, and Jack's first use of his well known opening, "Jello everybody". Don and Jack get in several jokes with the new sponsor as the theme. Mary gets in an age old joke, but when Jack tries it out on the cast, it goes over like a lead balloon, but somehow his failing is still funny. Don Bester's number is snipped. Jack plows on with a fictitious trio, the Three Chicken Sisters, who do better at joking around than at singing. Their song gets snipped anyway. Frank Parker sings, but the number is snipped. A whole lot of snipping going on with this episode. The featured attraction, inspired by the new sponsor is a play that takes place at a grocery store. Although full of humor, Jack and Mary could use a few lessons in customer service, but if they were any good at it, it wouldn't be nearly as funny. Lots of jokes about food, and family relationships.