Gunsmoke – The Barton Boy. 551001.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When Chester and Matt meet the train into Dodge City, they are expecting a $20000 shipment on the baggage car. What they find is the baggage car attendant, Ed Barton has been killed, and his son Billy, who accompanied him in the car, has been shot and wounded. Interviewing Billy, Matt's suspicions are confirmed as how the robbery went down, but now Matt has another worry. Is the killer still lurking nearby? Matt investigates while Chester guards the recovering Billy in the jail. Matt always gets his mam. Well almost. Chester is a diligent guard, and hasn't lost any prisoners. Well, most of the time. A week goes by, and a string ofr the suspects in town are led before Billy. No luck. Should Matt keep up his defensive posture, and keep Billy under lock down? Should he take the offensive and hunt down the killer? Matt takes his best leads and follows the chain of people who knew about the shipment to solve the mystery, and get his man.