On Stage – The Crustatian. ep35, 530916.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the opening of the show, Cathy and Elliot give the definition of a crustatian. A sea animal in a shell. As the story unfolds, we find Elliot is an introvert who is talking to a police detective. Vic manages to lure Elliot out of his shell a little, but is it going to be enough? Shells are easy to crawl back into. Elliot stays firmly entrenched in his shell, since he seems to get his feelings hurt everytime he tries to poke his head out. He has a knack with colors that plays out to be an important part of the story. As he opens up, we learn more about Elliots ideas, and ways his girlfriend encouraged him to cash in on those ideas. What do colors have to do in the story, and answer how Elliot ended up in the police station? What ideas is his girlfriend taking advantage of him over? What are his ideas that he has been taken advantage over? PS: I don't think the guy needs to come out of a shell, as much as he is definitely a man with some depression, self esteem, and other mental illnesses to overcome. Still, he makes an interesting witness for the cos.