Dennis Day – Dennis Gives Up His Room for a Boarder. 480925

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dennis opens with a song, Clancy Lowers the Boom. Mr Anderson is called out of town, leaving the family without a man in the house. Dennis tries his best to fill in, but Mrs Anderson decides to take in a border, even though it means Dennis will need to move to the cellar. Suddenly Dennis has a change of heart about taking on a border. He manages to get his own person to rent the room. Now he just has to discourage the other man from renting. Musical intermission: Dennis sings, You Call Everybody Darling. When the new renter arrives, Dennis shows him to the room. Just what is this guy's name? The man seems just a little wacky. Maybe he also has some criminal activity going on? A cop is on hand to haul in the criminal, but is having trouble trying to decide who is the real looney. Dennis closes the show and sings, Maybe You'll Be There. Right after a brief cameo from Judy Canova to plug her show.