On Stage – Penny Ante. 530923.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It's poker night and Elliot tries to get his buddies together. Complications are sure to set in, and not even a friendly game of bridge can be put together. Elliot is aching to do something, but will his wife want to take a last minute trip to Las Vegas? I feel a road trip coming on. Elliot begins to have outstanding luck at the slots. Could this be the kind of night a gambler dreams of? He switches from his nickel bets to dollars, then to the high stakes. The gambling spree catches the attention of the casino ownership, but will this scare off Elliot? Can anything, or anybody take him away from his winning streak? Elliot doubles his money, then doubles it again. When will he know when his lucky streak wil end? Listen in and join the thrill of winning big bucks in Vegas, and even if Elliot loses it all, at least it didn't cost you a thing, just the well spent time listening to his adventure.