Lights Out – The Author And The Thing. 430928

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Stories of the supernatual, and supernatural fantasy. If you are the type to scare easily, we urge you to turn off your radio now. In other words, don't even think about downloading this episode of the podcast. Arch Oberler, author of the Lights Out plays has a deadline to finish his current plays. His secretary is standing by as he has a bout of writers block. He talks to himself, tossing ideas around,story elements, situations, but nothing is developing. He knows he has to write, but just doesn't want to. The author writes up a creature that seems to become real, and it's coming to get him. His brother stops in to see how the progress is coming, but gets eaten by the monster. The cops are called, but just like the brother, they can't see anything. Only the author can. When the cops learn that he is Arch Oboler, they believe him even less. So, what do you do when you've created a monster that nobody can see? Warn people? Everybody that comes near you is eaten. Arch has his lawyer come to his office, but he doesn't believe the story. Has Arch Oboler gone insane? A court is convened. Expert testimony is given to prove sanity. Such a silly monster story, who would believe such a thing? Being the last show of the year long series, Arch Oboler ends the program with a permanent ending.