Great Gildersleeves – Leila Returns. 430926

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Leila Returns. As the show opens, we find the Judge and Gildersleeves escorting Miss Goodwin home. When the judge departs, Gildy asks Miss Goodwin for advice on deciding to get married. It becomes obvious that she isn't the one of his affections, so she becomes a little cold toward him. Next morning LeRoy teases Marjorie about her boyfriend. A letter comes from Leila, and though Gildersleeve's feelings are still hurt over their interupted wedding that was the season closer last season, he still enjoys her letter. Later, Gildy goes to Peavey's drug store for a sedative, and some conversation. As the time for Leila's train draws closer, every little thing gets under Gildy's skin. For a man who puts on pretense of not caring, Gildy seems to care an awful lot over what's happening with Leila. So, do they get back together? You'll have to listen and see.