Inner Sanctum – Murder By Prophecy. 480927

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In an old cemetary outside a New England town, a man finds himself trapped in a mausoleum. Flashback: The man is in need of cash to bail him out of trouble with creditors, and the IRS. Legend has it that his long dead relative hid a cache of treasure. The man gets a feeling of being led along, and finds himself in a library, talking to the old librarian about some mysterious reference materials. It becomes known that the old relative was not only rich, but was something of a prophet. There is a prophecy about our man. What is the interpretation of the prophecy? Will the cryptic clues lead down a trail of murder before he can get the treasure? With a prophecy on your side, you can't go wrong... can you? I mean, your fate is decided... right? Events unfold. The circumstances of the prophecy keep coming true. Still, with the murders piling the bodies up, surely the reward that await can't be the treasure that he expects, can it? Does the prophecy really deal out his fate? Surely there will be certain consequences as a result of his deeds. The prophecy does become fulfilled but prophecies can be funny things sometimes.