CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Mission From Zython. 790625

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A UFO is sighted, but is it aliens, or a military project? What are the fast moving, firey looking objects in the sky Townsfolk talk about the possibilities. Can it be explained away by science? Will photographs help to clear up the mystery? A stranger shows up, Rotar from Zython, and he demands the pictures back and has a death ray that he's not afraid to use to carry out his mission. Hey, that death ray sounds an awful lot like a tazer to me. Government agents show up, and patrols could soon be sent into the snowy wilderness to sedarvh for the stranger, or other explanations behind the strange events. What is the mission, and what does it mean for the planet? When Rotar is finally captured, what message will he have for the inhabitants of earth? Will the government heed the warnings about atomic devastation?