Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 All Star Western Theater – At Sundown, With Alan Lane. ep12, 461027. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:19

The Riders of the Purple Sage sing, Ride My Pony On the Open Range. Followed by, Little Dolly. In 1870new settlers are pouring into the Western town, bringing conflicting opinions and strife with them. A clash of old ways and new ideas. Cowhands complain about the incoming homesteaders, and the fencing of their open range. A stranger who is only known as Sundown joins the group. Is there a range war brewing? Will Sundown be on the side of honesty, or not? Will he be a gunman for the ranchers, or the homesteaders? Both the ranchers and homesteaders claim to own the same land, and tempers grow hot. The homesteaders have their hired gunman, Farrow, he's going to be a challenge for Sundown to handle. Despite their rivalry, there's just something about the other that makes for mutual respect. There's a secret laying under the surface tension. What is it, and how will it keep things from blowing up? The Riders of the Purple Sage sing, I Love You And I Still Do.

 Abbott and Costello – Matrimonial Agency. 441026. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Bud and Lou open by talking about the merits of being married. Bud asks Lou about his uncle Hugo and how his wedding went. Bud tries to talk Lou into opening a matrimonial bureau, and doing some matchmaking. The jokes about all things matrimonial take a sponsor break, and Freddie Rich plays, the Very Thought of You. Abbott and Costello move into their new office space, and the phones are already ringing. Mel Blanc is the caller. Verna Felton comes in to be their first customer, but she may be a challenge when it comes to finding a match for her. Next, Mr Kitzel stops in. He's not in the market for getting married, just wants the concession for handling the catering side of their marriage business. Connie Haines sings, It Had to Be You. The business begins to slow down a little, but the marriage jokes keep on coming. Ken Niles tries to get his niece married off to Lou. To encourage the clients to get married, Bud allows his family to be viewed as a model family. To make an impression, Sebastian poses as his little boy. When the parents leave the room, Sebastian sure makes an impression alright, but Lou seems to have some trouble staying in character.

 Amos and Andy – Insurance Fraud. 440317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Kingfish and Amos discuss the newly rekindled love between Andy and Madam Queen, when Henry Van Porter enters to sell Kingfish on renewing his policy. After hearing the benefit of getting cash, just for being hurt is almost a signal for Kingfish to be hit by a car. Don't worry, he really isn't hurt, but he tries his best for fake his injuries and make like they are much worse than they are. The insurance company has their ways of investigating the case. Whose sneaky ways will win out and get the benefit of the insurance policy. In the process, Andy falls prey to the insurance company's secret weapon, a cutie named Irene. I feel a conflict of interest with Madam Queen coming on, bbut if it is going to happen, it'l have to wait for another episode since there's not enough tie in this one to go there. Will Irene get the information she needs for the insurance company? Will Kingfish be a success at faking his symptoms? Will the doctor that Andy hires for the occasion document the proof that Kingfish needs for his injuries? Would you believe that Kingfish falls victim to a mix up, and confides in the insurance company doctor all abou his fake injuries.

 Suspense – After Dinner Story. 431026 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:25

Four men arrive at a dinner party. The host claims to have a reason for calling them together, and tells them in an after dinner story. One year prior, the four men were total strangers who crossed paths on an elevator. They weren't only stuck in a broken elevator, it plummeted to the bottom of the shaft. Why is all this important? One of the men who died was the story teller's son. Here's the mystery, the son was alive when he went in, was alive after the crash, but was found dead of a gunshot wound to the heart when the men were rescued from the elevator. Who did it? None of the men heard a gunshot. How could it happen? The eccentric man has told the four that he planned to divide his son's estate among them. Strange enough, but the suspense is just starting in this mystery. He claims to have discovered who the killer is, and poisned his food. How could he know? Who is it? What if the man is wrong? I don't think we'll have to worry about that much. Listen in to see how the man pulled a fast on on the killer.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 6of9. 410502 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

Clark is calling a meeting of the small group of passengers on the ship to let them in on the warning messages he has recieved. In the process, Jimmy has overheard a morse code message being sent from the cabin of a little old lady. Jimmy has mysteriously disappeared again, and Clark searches the ship for him. When he gets a little close for comfort, the spies show their hand. What diabolical threats do our heros face?

 Nero Wolfe – Cop Killer. ep4, 820206. Retro400. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:53

As Nero Wolfe's assistant, Archie Goodwin screens potential clients for the temperamental genius of a detective, Nero Wolfe. Mr and Mrs Vargas are a married couple who work in a local barber shop, but they have a problem that they can't take to the cops. They admit to Archie that they are illegal immigrants, but their problem is more serious than being discovered and deported. Rather than helping them run from their problems, Archie decides to hide them while he investigates the situation. Is there hidden danger? Is there someone after the couple? What will Nero have to say about the invasion of his privacy by the couple? Archie's investigation takes him to the police station for a load of facts, then to a breathy blonde. What motivations for the crime will he turn up? Staying at Nero Wolfe's soon becomes a dangerous proposition, and Archie tries to keep his clients under wraps. Will the cops track down the real killer on their own? Will the Vargas's be forced to turn themselves in and dclear themselves of the murder, but be deported over their illegal status? What can the usually crabby Nero Wolfe do for his new found friends? So many questions and a confusing situation, not tomention there's a little identity problem, and a few lies that Archie needs to clear up. Nero helps cut through the confusion, and find the answers. PS: No Bonus Tracks today, the show is a bit long. Just a few comments from Keith about the show. Enjoy this treat from a period a little later than the usual time frame of most old time radio programs. It runs about an hour, and is produced by the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC).

 Dragnet – The Big Pill. 551025. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:15

Joe Friday works the Homacide detail, when he is tasked with investigating a couple of marines. The Marines had just come back from Korea, and spent their time back in the states blowing their built up payroll, but now they have been absent without leave for two weeks, and a murder is in their wake. The cops interview a buddy of the missing Marines to learn some of their story. A character named Stubby is pointed out, a man claiming to be a former Marine, and one who paid for the night of heavy drinking. The story makes you wonder if Stubby is a friend or foe. Joe Friday goes in search of Stubby to see what can be learn. A barmaid tells what she knows about John Rogers, and his brags about being a war hero in the Marines, but when the cops are close to catching up to him, a body is found instead. Friday learns some true facts about Rogers military service that aren't so honorable. Rogers is finally nabbed, but will his story hold water?

 Gunsmoke – Gunshot Wound. 561014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:49

A gunman with a fatal and terminal gunshot wound is heading to Dodge to kill the men who have killed him. In town, Matt is surprised to learn that Jim Nielson is still alive, and also concerned over public safety upon hearing that Jim is at the Long Branch Salloon. Matt warns Charlie and Tom about the pending danger, and to keep out of sight. Will the brothers go for it? Will Matt have to run Jim out of town? Jim is a man with nothing to lose, and nothing to live for. Matt is helpless to arrest Jim, especially when Charlie is the aggressor in a gunfight that he finds himself on the losing end. Will Tom be just as reckless in his approach? Will Matt be able to talk sense to him? Since men had the right to openly carry guns, Matt has his hands tied in trying to prevent the violence. What does the senseless killing prove? Will Jim feel any better for his efforts?

 Let George Do It – The Seven Dead Years. 481025 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

A man is looking for a missing woman. It's been nearly seven years and is about to cost him thousands of dollars. The man, Mr Samuels is an insurance agent who has had to pay off on a dead wife of an aledged killer. He's sure the man killed his wife, but with the seven year mark coming up, the law can declare her dead, even without a body, and the company will have to pay out. The suspected killer is an artist, a sculpturer to be exact, and George goes to be a model for his latest creation. It doesn't fool the artist, but it serves to do for character introduction to the artist and his girlfriend. George suspects that the original Mrs McClain was never killed. He and Brooksie set a trap to force her hand to make an appearance. Is she alive? Will she stay alive for much longer? Brooksie turns up a tip at a travel agent, and the clues fall into place. Just when George manages to fall into a well. Do you think you know who did it? As the key players gather around, George tells the whole story, and the odd way that the body was disposed of.

 Burns and Allen – Dating Advice. 451004 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

In the Burns home, the theme of the day can be summed up in two words, "woman trouble". George has trouble with Gracie wrecking his car, Meredeth Willson needs advice on his dating woes, the Happy Postman and even Bill Goodwin are having their own troubles with the opposite sex. The Les Paul Trio plays, Begin the Beguine. Meanwhile, Gracie learns abouta military surplus sale. George isn't impressed over the items on the sale, until he learns he can get a jeep. The answer to his car troubles with the ration board. Instead, Gracie manages to pick up 100 pairs of nylons in the sale. Why isn't George thrilled with that set up? Meredeth Willson plays in his own Chiffon style, If I Loved You. Gracie soon has the solution to all her troubles that have had bothered her through the show. With all those nylons, she gets in good with the butcher and other merchants, Bill, and Meredeth, are suddenly in good with their girlfriends. There's just one last problem that she overlooked when she bought that bulk lot of stockings.

 Jubilee – Jack Benny, Rochester. ep109, 441025. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

Along with host Ernie Whitman, special guests help with the show today. Erskine Hawkins plays, Stella. Jack Benny takes the stage to talk with Ernie. Jack tells secrets on Rochester, and his love life. Rochester phones in to defend himself, and the absence of both himself and Jacks violin. Topics also include dice games. Erskine Hawkins plays, Bear Mash Blues. Or maybe from the sultry tones of the song it could be, the Bare Tones Blues? Jack is back to joke with Ernie, and help with the introductions. Effie Smith sings, Straighten Up and Fly Right. Rochester is on handwith wisecracks, and Jacks violin. Armed with his trusty fiddle, Jack whips out some jazzy ragtime riffs from a time gone by. Even for 1943. To cleanse the pallet, the Lou Mel Morgan Trio sing a perky, upbeat, smooth version of, Them There Eyes. Ernie lays out the jive talk to tell how to write in for making a request. Erskine Hawkins plays, Tuxedo Junction.

 Quiet Please – Good Ghost. 481024 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

Ernest Chapel tells the story of Gus, a guy who was only recently made into a ghost by his best friend. He discovers he can't go up or down stairs, or in elevators, or subways. He harbors no hard feelings toward his friend Schuester. In life they both loved the same woman, Ada. Gus had become resigned that she loved Schuester more than him, and stepped back from a relationship. What a nice guy. Though he is just trying to help, he causes Schuester a lot of mental anguish. Eventually though, Gus is able to prove himself by showing some of the powers of a ghost, like winning at gambling. When he wins enough cash, Schuester promises to marry Ada. Time goes by and Schuesters taste turn to hitting it big on Wall Street. Years go by, and Gus finds out Ada has been left destitute while Schuester has been living high on the hog. Although there are rules for ghosts to follow, Gus gets a little revenge, and in the end he discovers that he can climb a certain staircase where a special reward is waiting for him.

 Great Gildersleeves – The Waterworks Breaks Down. 431024 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:00

A musical moment in the home is spoiled by LeRoy's attempt at singing. Gildersleeves puts him to doing his homework. When Throckmorton decides to give the kids a lesson in money, and earning a living. He takes them to the City Hall to see where he works, and what he does. Suddenly an emergency pops up, low water pressure. Gildy takes the kids to talk to Charlie, out at the Ressevoir. It looks like a bad snifter valve. Darn those pesky snifter valves, always breaking, and always out of stock. Especially with the wartime shortages. Gildy pushes the issue, and the water pump breaks. Poor old Charlie gets blamed. When Gildersleeves is called into the Mayors carpet to take the blame, he has to apologize to Charlie, the engineer, and try to get him back on the job. He also has to go on the radio to explain the situation. Gildy does what he can to help Charlie, and so does LeRoy as he is still working on a school report about Gildersleeve's job. In the end, all is well, and LeRoy even gets a good grade on his report, which he reads aloud. A fairly true and accurate report of his uncle's vocation. Maybe a little too true and accurate for Gildersleeve's taste. A final note to encourage gathering waste paper to help the war effort.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 5of9. 410430 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:36

In the previous episode, Pug was knocked out when lossened cargo fell on him, then Jimmy learned they had been trapped and locked into the cargo hold. Elsewhere, Clark meets Miss Barrington, an English woman who is travelling with her father. He trusts her enough to share his concern over the warnings he recieved about danger onboard. While the two stroll the ship, they hear Jimmy's call for help. Now the secret of the cargo is learned. How does it all connect together? A cargo of nitrate, warning notes, and an International passenger list? But wait, there's still more suspicious behavior that Jimmy uncovers.

 Green Hornet – Words And Music. 390530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

The news around town seems to have been running into a dry spell lately, and there's no need for the Green Hornet to fight crime. Jim Reed's secretary notices his sanguine attitude and connects it with the Green Hornet llaying low. She doesn't suspect something... does she? Even top news dog, Lawry, goes after a human interest story of a man who has been cheated out of his life savings to sell his song ideas to a phoney publishing house. Another scam that operates just small enough, and barely inside the legal limits to stay off the radar of the justice system. It's all the Green Hornet needs to spring into action and give the racketeers a taste of their own medicine.


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