All Star Western Theater – At Sundown, With Alan Lane. ep12, 461027.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The Riders of the Purple Sage sing, Ride My Pony On the Open Range. Followed by, Little Dolly. In 1870new settlers are pouring into the Western town, bringing conflicting opinions and strife with them. A clash of old ways and new ideas. Cowhands complain about the incoming homesteaders, and the fencing of their open range. A stranger who is only known as Sundown joins the group. Is there a range war brewing? Will Sundown be on the side of honesty, or not? Will he be a gunman for the ranchers, or the homesteaders? Both the ranchers and homesteaders claim to own the same land, and tempers grow hot. The homesteaders have their hired gunman, Farrow, he's going to be a challenge for Sundown to handle. Despite their rivalry, there's just something about the other that makes for mutual respect. There's a secret laying under the surface tension. What is it, and how will it keep things from blowing up? The Riders of the Purple Sage sing, I Love You And I Still Do.