Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Martin and Lewis – Witness To A Murder. 491107. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

In their hotel room, Dean and Jerry get ready for their nightclub appearance. Besides the joking about being tired and run down, they talk about being well dressed. Suddenly, Jerry witnesses a murder. He tries to tell the hotel manager, the cops, and even a gossip columnist, but nobody believes him. Jerry is in top form with his comical comebacks. Dean sings, Everywhere You Go. Who can the guys tell, and get to believe them about the murder? All they get is grief, and accused of being troublemakers. Dean sings, Georgia on My Mind. Finally, somebody listens to Jerry's story, and it lands them in a sanitarium. Jokes about doctors, exams, and mental health take over. Also features Florence MacMichaels, and Sidney Sheldon.

 Green Hornet – Not One Cent For Tribute. 390613 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

A racketeer tries to cripple the city by stopping the sale of gasoline. Businesses are threatened to come to a halt if trucks can't make deliveries. Will business owners be forced to pay tribute to the racketeer? Inflated gas prices, and a self imposed fuel shortage comes to the attention of Jim Reed, and the Green Hornet steps in where the law can't touch. It won't be an easy fight, and the Green Hornet risks being caught and unmasked. If the plan works though, the racketeers will face the law in a spectacular way, with the Sentinel recording it all as it goes down. 6

 Superman – The Grayson Submarine, 2of6. 410514 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:42

The story continues in the office of Perry White. The editor of that great metropolitan news paper, the Daily Planet, where he reviews the case thus far with his other star reporter Lois Lane. The two hit the road to try and join Clark at the Naval base a hundred miles away. When a wrong turn is made, our heros are abducted by thugs with German accent. Meanwhile, on the submarine where Clark is trapped while trying to rescue the Grayson submarine, he has to resort to drastic measures to convince the commander of the vessel to let him escape through the torpedo tube. Unaware that Clark is Superman, the Naval officer believes he has sent a man to certain death. What does Superman hope to discover?

 Gunsmoke – Smoking Out The Beedles. 541106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Being Marshal of Dodge City is a chancey job that makes a man watchful, and a little bit lonely. Matt and Chester talk about the latest stage coach, and it's lack of passengers. Then a homesteader approaches Matt about a problem he has with a man, and his wife who has been holding up on his place. A guy named Jim Beetle. When Matt investigates, he hears a totally different story. Beetle claims to have bought the land from homesteader, Clay. Whether the sale is valid, or the deed has been duely registered, or not, the Beetles refuse to leave. Who's telling lies? The law is on the side of Clay, and it does seem to be the more logical story. Forced to get them out, Matt drops a stink bomb down their chimney to smoke the Beetles out. What next? They don't need to be arrested, and through a minor accident, they get away for now. Back in Dodge, Matt chats with the cantankerous Doc when a gunshot blast calls Matt away. After the tragedy is over, the truth comes out about the land, and who owns what.

 Gunsmoke – Crowbait Bob, (Nov 4th Broadcast Preempted). 561110 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:51

Doc talks to Matt about one of his patients. Old Crow Bait Bob is an old timer who has a health problem, and seeks Matt's advice on making out his will. Though everyone tries to be optimistic with him, Bob realizes his days are running short. Not seeing too many folks in town as being worthy, Bob names Kitty as his beneficiary to his estate. Why did he pick her? What will Bob's estranged family have to say on the matter, and what is the rift between them? Bob's time comes, and Matt turns over all his worldly possessions to Kitty. A bundle that fits in a single box. Greedy relatives descend, thinking the box contains a hidden wealth. Are the sentimental treasures worth going to jail over?

 Nero Wolfe – Dear Dead Lady. ep3, 501103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:43

That orchid loving, gargantuan gourmet is back on the case. With a boss with a crabby attitude, Archie knows exactly how to deal with Nero as he gives the abuse right back. A young man is concerned that the girl he loves is getting involved with a dangerous man. The payment of $7000 is enough to get Nero's attention... right after he tends to his orchids. Archie does the footwork, but all it does is cast doubt on their own client. Granted, the other man is a known ladykiller, but not a murderer. With a dead woman, and a circle of jerks, there doesn't seem to be any solid clues and any of the suspects could have killed her. Nero has a plan, but it requires Archie to play burglar, in hopes that his ransacking spree might turn something up. There's just enough to put together a trap for the real killer. What has he discovered? How can Nero put the clues together to point out the killer? Don't miss the big closing scene for the answer to the puzzler. Note: Herb Ellis is Archie. Sidney Greenstreet is Nero.

 My Favorite Husband – Katy And Roscoe. 481106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:12

Katie, the maid, talks to Liz about her boyfriend, Roscoe. They haven't seen each other in 15 years. He is a wealthy man, and she has implied that she is also well off. To make proper impressions, Liz decides to swap roles with Katie. As they wait, there's a knock at the door that leads to mistaken identity, and a joke about the recent election upset that Truman won. Roscoe finally arrives, and Katie has to wade through a string of lies. She gets a little help from Liz, who gets a little help from the family friend, Correy. They manage to pull it off. At least until George brings home a client from the bank. Guess who! They have to resume the act for just a little while longer. Correy is back to help run interferance on George, but will it work? Since nobody tells George about the play acting, he thinks he's come home to a mad house. Just how far will Liz go to save face? Features Lucille Ball as Liz, Richard Denning as George, and hans Conried as Roscoe.

 Burns and Allen – Breaking Up Gracie And Artie. 410317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

Gracie is in a gay mood as she tells George all about her family and her day at the St Patrick's Day parade. George is jealous that she is spending too much time with bandleader, Artie Shaw. As he leaves to make some arrangements, Senor Lee arrives with some advice to Gracie about eloping. Artie Shaw plays, Swing Low Sweet Chariot. George's plan is to hire an actress to pretend to be his new girlfriend. The hope is to make Gracie jealous and come back to him. Instead, she and Artie get word of the plan and make their own scheme to sabotage George. They get a homely gal to substitute for the actress. Now it's a matter of letting George have his pretend fling with the girl. After making George squirm for a while, Gracie ends the show with a song, Let's Get Away from It All.

 Lum and Abner – An Honest Man. 420203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Abner and Cedric are in the Jot 'Em Down store today, discussing Cedrics new hobby of being a junior detective. He also wants to get a bunch of lapel buttons to put all over his jacket. What's that all about? Lum enters and we learn about a character who has come to town, carrying a lantern, and in a never ending quest for an honest man. Going by the name of a Greek god, Diogenes, details of the long haired eccentric emerge. Just like the Greek god, Diogenes claims to be in town to find an honest man, and touts the glories of an honest lifestyle. Somehow the topic of three men in a tub comes up to make Abner confused. Still, the streets are buzzing with words about the new stranger. Get ready for a long story line to follow as it develops. What is Diogenes really up to. Cedric returns to share how honesty worked to score him a batch of candy bars.

 You Bet Your Life – Secret Word, Air. 500628 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

Groucho interviews the contestants to see who will say the secret word for a fast $100. A spinster and a bachelor are up first. The bachelor is a streetcar operator who has a comment on Groucho's old and worn out jokes. What does the spinster think of the matchmaking attempt? A lady barber is teamed up with a married man. Learn how he met his wife, and hear Groucho harmonize as they sing a song of courtship. Also find out why a woman decided to become a barber and moree. A pro golfer, and a music teacher from St Louis round out the show. Groucho learns how the golfer got his nickname, Little Poison. He also gets a few pointers on improving his singing. Where was this teacher ten minutes ago? Listen in to find out who makes it to the final round, and the shot at the big bucks.

 Amos and Andy – The Locked Trunks Secret with Retro Plus. 431105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:02

The first in this double feature is, Writing Bad Checks, 1929-04-21. The audio in this first recording isn't too good, but if it gets filtered it only makes the quality worse. Andy tells Amos about his troubles at the bank. He has been made treasurer at the lodge, but the Kingfish can't seem to let go of the job, or the checkbook. When Kingfish is confronted, he talks his way out of being in trouble, but leaves Andy high and dry. The second feature is, The Locked Trunk's Secret, 1943-11-05. Andy has bought a locked steamer trunk at a railroad auction. The nature of the lock creates a mystery. Just what is in that trunk? It becomes an ordeal to find someone to open it. Just at the critical moment, guest star, Peter Lorre comes on the scene to claim his trunk. In his soft spoken, mild, yet creepy voice, he warns against opening it. Thinking they have a victim over a barrel, Kingfish and Andy scheme to sell the trunk back to Peter Lorre at a handsome price. Will it work? Will curiosity win out? What kind of scary, or creepy things might be hiding in that trunk? To keep up the suspense, and curiiosity factor, I'm not saying. Listen and see for yourself. A cool show where creepy meets comedy.

 Lum and Abner – Taxes. 420202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Lum is very much relieved once the judge in the county seat has exonerated him of all charges. The friends resume their friendship, and settle back into a routine at the Jot 'Em Down store. Lum explains the importance of accurate bookkeeping to Abner. The termonology about overhead confuses Abner. Lum realizes that he also needs to get ready for that time of year for figuring out income tax. The tax forms are enough to confuse anybody, but it's definitely enough to keep Abner thoroughly confused. Does Lum understand it any better? He may find himself paying taxes on income that he doesn't have. Besides the misunderstandings about income, listen in to Lum and Abners goofy ideas on declaring dependants, Deductions, and more.

 Fibber McGee – Homecoming. 370717 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

We find the McGees on the train as they return to Wistful Vista. Teeny shows up to befuddle Fibber. What kind of reception will the McGees get as they arrive home? Billy Mills accompanies Abigail Uppington for some stylistic gossip. Is there something between them? This being a leap year, it's the season for women to be so forward to propose to men, rather than the other way around. The Old Timer visits, and his misunderstood reference to burlesque gets Molly flustered. He ends up sharing a joke to honor 5 years on the air for Johnson's Wax. The Kingsmen sing, There Are No Strings On Me. Nick, the Greek neighbor greets the McGees as they get home. Still, what kind of welcome will the town have for them? Gildersleeves is on hand to let Fibbber know.

 Superman – The Grayson Submarine, 1of6. 410512 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

A submarine makes its test runs. Will it survive the crush depth, or will it end up a twisted hunk of metal? The hull is holding up, but a malfunction won't let the sub move in any direction. The crew is trapped. Elsewhere, the story reaches Clark Kent who puts his reporter's investigative skills to work. A radio message from the submarine sends a strange signal that has Clark and the Naval authorities puzzled. What could be dragging the huge craft, and where is it going? It gets worse when the ship that Clark is on also develops problems. What can Clark do, is this a job for Superman?

 Whitehall 1212 – The Heathrow Affair. 511223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15

The names are changed, but the details of the crime are real. Scotland Yard detectives tell about a matter of theft when a mastermind has plans to rob a gold shipment. Gold is routinely shipped through Heathrowe airport, but is the motorcade secure? Detectives are tipped off, but the strange warning from a man who claims to be poisoned make little sense. What does he mean? What does it have to do with a German prison camp? More clues emerge before all the puzzle pieces can be put together and make sense. There's a large syndicate behind the robbery. Will the detectives be able to think like their criminal and intercept the operation? Will they end up with the mastermind, or just a few henchmen?


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