Fibber McGee – Homecoming. 370717

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: We find the McGees on the train as they return to Wistful Vista. Teeny shows up to befuddle Fibber. What kind of reception will the McGees get as they arrive home? Billy Mills accompanies Abigail Uppington for some stylistic gossip. Is there something between them? This being a leap year, it's the season for women to be so forward to propose to men, rather than the other way around. The Old Timer visits, and his misunderstood reference to burlesque gets Molly flustered. He ends up sharing a joke to honor 5 years on the air for Johnson's Wax. The Kingsmen sing, There Are No Strings On Me. Nick, the Greek neighbor greets the McGees as they get home. Still, what kind of welcome will the town have for them? Gildersleeves is on hand to let Fibbber know.