Nero Wolfe – Dear Dead Lady. ep3, 501103

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: That orchid loving, gargantuan gourmet is back on the case. With a boss with a crabby attitude, Archie knows exactly how to deal with Nero as he gives the abuse right back. A young man is concerned that the girl he loves is getting involved with a dangerous man. The payment of $7000 is enough to get Nero's attention... right after he tends to his orchids. Archie does the footwork, but all it does is cast doubt on their own client. Granted, the other man is a known ladykiller, but not a murderer. With a dead woman, and a circle of jerks, there doesn't seem to be any solid clues and any of the suspects could have killed her. Nero has a plan, but it requires Archie to play burglar, in hopes that his ransacking spree might turn something up. There's just enough to put together a trap for the real killer. What has he discovered? How can Nero put the clues together to point out the killer? Don't miss the big closing scene for the answer to the puzzler. Note: Herb Ellis is Archie. Sidney Greenstreet is Nero.