Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 The Shadow – The Three Ghosts. 371031. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:20

Lamont Cranston needs a vacation after his recent exhausting adventures. He picks a resort that is said to be haunted. To combat the aledged supernatural killer ghosts, the Shadow uses his own supernatural ability to put in his own scare. The Shadow soon discovers other strange happenings, blackmail, and murder. Can the Shadow teach the bad guys a lesson by acting as the voice of their conscience? Will his powers of mind control cause their gang to disintegrate? The Shadow instigates doubt, and double cross between the criminals to the point they start killing each other off. Once there's enough solid evidence, the cops are called in to sweep up the mess. PS: I find it amazing in this, and other old radio shows that when the bad guys try to use the supernatural realm as a cover, or basis for their crimes, they are foiled. Their ruse is exposed, and the natural explanation comes out. Yet the good guys use supernatural powers, and are never exposed or found out. Is that fair?

 Nero Wolfe – The Care Worn Cuff. ep2, 501027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

The worlds laziest, fattest, and grumpiest detective naps as the phone rings at his elbow. Still, he calls on his right hand man, Archie to handle it. Charles Porter is a man with a problem, and with the $1000 that he's willing to pay, Nero has no complaint about hearing what he has to say. What does a client named Dorothy Spencer have to do with Charles Porter? Is the man who came to see Nero the real Charles Porter for that matter? A little poking around reveals that the cos are looking for Charles as well, but they think he's the killer in their latest murder investigation,. Is Dorothy hiding something? Nero has a little fun watching the police on the chase of the wrong crook. The scent of a bath soap offers a clue for the amazing powers of deduction possessed by the overweight investigator. It's enough for Archie to locate their man. Nero orchestrates the powers of his detective assistant, and those of the police force to ensure the killer is picked up. Who is it? What are the clues that played such an important part in identifying the crook? Stay tuned as Nero lays out the details. Note: Again, we see a different sidkick for the crabby boss. Lamonte Johnson is Archie. Sidney Greenstreet is Nero.

 Our Miss Brooks – Halloween Party. 491030. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:28

Connie hasn't been getting much rest, and Mrs Davis talks with her about it. Walter Denton approaches Miss Brooks about his big Halloween party plans. She's a little reluctant, until she learns that Mr Boynton will be there. Elsewhere, Mr Conklin has had a sleepless night, and troubles of his own. He's a little accident prone, and his nerves and hypertension are at peak levels. He's definitely not up for the clash with Connie Brooks today, and unknown to him, the Halloween party has moved to his house for the fun later. Listen in and find out what all the cool students and teachers are wearing to the costume party. Enjoy the slow burns, and reactions that Gale Gordon is so good at as Conklin deals with the invasion to his space.

 Jack Benny – Jacks Halloween Party. 381030. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:57

In Jack's Beverly Hills home, he gets ready for his big Halloween party. Rochester, and Mary helps him out, as they tease him about his party supplies Kenny tells about some pranks he is pulling to celebrate the holiday. Kenny sings, Heaven Again. The party preparations continue, and more guests arrive. Note: Unless I have my dates mixed up, at the same time this episode was airing, on another network Orson Wells was scaring the nation with his famous episode of the Mercury Theater. The show was, War of the Worlds. So, if you're listening to Jack instead, don't worry, there aren't any aliens. Just keep laughing.

 World Adventurers Club – Land Of Doomed Souls. ep6, 1933 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:43

The Land of Lost Souls is a place in Northern South America where condemned men are sent to prison. Extreme and experimental surgeries are conducted to study the criminal brain. For the devoted wives of the convicts, they are allowed to accompany their husbands, and even raise families. It's just that the families and even the offspring are considered convicts as well. Creepy.

 Jack Benny – Jack Benny Grocery Store Part 2. 341021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:08

Audio is staticky with a few record skips. Jack seems sleepy and worn out as he tells Don Wilson about his latest movie that is being made. Mary enters, and is just as tired. Frank Parker and even Don Bester are tired, but for different reasons. Mary has a poem to read, O Fall Is Here. Don's song is snipped. Jack announces a guest, a violin player, which is just an actor who is a springboard to get in some musical jokes. What nifty tricks might he perform? Frank Parker has his song snipped. Reprising the drama from last week, Jack and Mary become owners of a rustic grocery store. Join in for more bad examples of customer service technique, but plenty of set ups for old yolks... er, make that old jokes. Running gags related to the violin bit earlier, and pop culture of the times are mingled with bunches of food jokes. Note: A few references to the current pop culture include the line, "Want to buy a duck?" A catch phrase made popular by another comedian of the day. Also a little Marx Brothers humor is tossed in when Mary and Jack talk to an Italian customer. Radio Star magazine presents an award for distinguished service at the end of the show. The first such award going to a comedian.

 Life of Riley – Riley Seeks Knowledge. 481029 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:31

Riley seeks to improve his mind, but his ideas don't come from books. It's more his speed to get his information from listening to radio shows. I wonder if he would tune in to the Retro Radio Podcast? Naw! We're probably too high class for him. It seems that his behavior has been an embarrassment for Babs, who is now in college, and has a new set of friends. Riley consults with his eavsdropping neighbor, Gillis. Armed with new advice, he buys an old encyclopedia, determined to read it through. Well, at least one volume. Well at least one article from it. When Babs has her friends over, Riley tries to show off his one tidbit of info. Can you believe it? He ends up with a cold shoulder from both Babs and Peg. He does get some excellent advice from Digger ODell though. Riley bites the bullet, humbles himself, and asks forgiveness from his wife and daughter. Will that new knowledge ever pay off? Sure! in the final scene Riley gets the chance to shine with his one bit of new knowledge. Maybe.

 Amos and Andy – The Chair 2nd Half with Retro Plus. 431029 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:48

Starts with, Ruby's Father Sees Amos Talking to Another Girl, 1929-04-22. Another double feature. This first one is a real ear bender. The limits have been pushed too try to clean it up, and to me it does sound marginally better, but that might be debatable. From 1929-04-29, Ruby's Father Catches Amos Talking to Another Girl. Amos wakes Andy from his typical nap to share his latest girl trouble. Andy tries to get the facts straight. It seems that Amos had a casual conversation that Ruby's dad misunderstood. Normally a simple thing to straighten out, but with Andy trying to build a defense for Amos, things just get more confusing. My guess is that if Amos follows Andy's advice, his letter of apology will come across all wrong. But the episode cuts off before we find out. The next feature is from 1943-10-29, The Chair Second Half. As you might guess from the title, the top of the show is missing, and only the second half still exists. In the missing part, apparently Andy had accidentally broken a valuable chair while visiting his friend Henry Van Porter. We find Kingfish and Andy are supposed to meet a man to buy just one chair wholesale. The furniture man has his patience tried as our heros try to talk him down from his usual sales numbered in the hundreds, down to just one. With a deal all arranged, they deliver the replacement chair to Henry Van Porter. Just in time for the big party.

 Superman – The Nitrate Shipment, 7of9. 410505 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

When they boarded the ship bound from Panama to the United States, Clark and Jimmy never imagined the dangers ahead. Along with the English doctor and his daughter, they are now held captive at the hands of spies who want to blow the ship up, and send all on board to the bottom of the sea. Why do they want to do that? The shipment of nitrate is a key ingredient in making explosives, and they don't want it getting to its destination. A storm rolls through and is the guise that will be used to explain the missing ship. Should Clark expose his identity as Superman and save them all? What happened to Pug Flanagan, Jimmy and Clarks new friend?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Getting Out of the Hollywood Lease. 370705 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Fibber is determined to misbehave in order to get out of the lease on his house. He and Molly have been in Hollywood to make a movie, but now it's time to move. Jimmy Greer does his best to help, and loudly plays, Bye Bye Blackbird. Bill Davis enters to discuss travelling arrangements. As the McGees try to think up more ways to be noisy and bother neighbors, Tommy sings, London Rain. Fibber brags about being known as Hotel McGee. Will the landlord be made angry enough to kick the McGees out? Will Fibber ever get to go on his trip to Yosemite? Mrs Wearybottom visits to tell about a family tragedy. Jimmy Greer plays a tune. Among the typical strange characters, Teeny visits to ask for a glass of water, but she has a special cup that she wants it in. Will Fibber ever get out of the lease, or not?

 Gunsmoke – Dirty Bill’s Girl. 561028 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

A slick lady gambler is in town, dealing the cards and winning like a pro. Matt, Doc, and Chester discuss her style, and can't seem to catch her cheating. What should Matt do about her? How about going right up, and confronting her directly? Why is Rose in this line of work? At breakfast the next day, Matt and Chester are joined by a rancher named Slim, who has a word on the lady gambler. Getting more information from Doc and Kitty, Matt begins to discover the relationship between Rose and local ranchers, and her motive for murder is a little better explaned. It's a recipe for death, unless Matt canstop it. When Rose finds her man, the situation gets tense. It's up to Matt to try to get her gun away from her without a violent scene. Can he talk sense to her? Is her reason for revenge enough to justify taking the law into her own hands? Matt has a way of making sure the real wrongdoer gets the justice they deserve.

 Jack Benny – Jack Gets Held Up. 451028 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

In the previous episode or two, Jack had been working with a publicity agent. Join in to review the stunts tha Jak has become part of to boost his ratings. Did he actually bet $85k on a horse race to tear down his miserly image? Radio news reports blast the hype about Jack that his agent has built up for him. Rochester leaks a few private tidbits to reporter, Mel Blanc. What actually happened at the track? Later at the studio, all the hype and news rumors have gotten around. His legend, and reports of his winnings are exagerated. Mary and Phil do their best to butter up the aledgely generous Jack. The cast is all present, including on and the telephone operators. Gertrude and Mabel gossip about Jack's love life. Larry Stevens talks about his honeymoon then sings, Out of Nowhere. Taking Jack to yet another publicity stunt, Rochester drops off Jack while he puts the car away. Waiting for him inside the house is burglar, Mel Blanc who demands Jack's ficticious winnings. Will Jack be forced to hand over the contents of his vault? Will the robber force his way past the dungeon like gates, and Ed, the Security Guard?

 Red Skelton – Reds New House. 411028. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

The Raleigh Cigarette program featuring announcer Truman Bradley, with harriot Hilliard and Wonderful Smith, along with Red Skelton. That fine young comedian, Red Skelton comes out to tell about his new house. Harriot Hilliard joins the teasing about Red's home, and the view behind his house. The jokes continue when band leader, Ozzie Nelson, joins the conversation about the interior decorating. Harriot and Ozzzie Nelson joke as they sing, Putting Up a Front for You. Wonderful Smith arrives to joke with Red about his girlfriend. Red offers Wonderful some dating advice, but should he take it? Red showcases a few scenes of guys saying good night to their girlfriends. A bashful man, two kids in puppy love, and two college students. Ozzie and his orchestra cut loose with, Yes Indeed. Red talks with Wonderful about what seems to be a girl, but winds up as a commercial for the sponsor. Ozzie and Red talk about picking up girls. They do a sketch about a couple sailors out looking for a date. Red gets a message from his consciounce, and maybe he would listen if the consciounce didn't flub his line. On his hunt for a woman, Red becomes the hunted. Time for another sponsor break, and bring the show to an end.

 Burns and Allen – George Tries To Get out of the Broadcast. 401028. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Gracie tries to tell George about her big date with Spencer Tracey, but George isn't listening. He is trying to pretend to be sick so he can take time off from the show. Can he fool the cast so he can go on his date with FeeFee Tremain? Senor Lee, the Harvard sound man, and Artie Shaw all offer their medical advice, but I'm not sure they're entirely drawn in by the ruse. The Smoothies sing, Moonlight on the Ganges. The medical jokes roll in in a flood, but George just can't seem to make a clean break from his friends. The show features a sequence where a radio repairman visits, voiced by Elliot Lewis, proving that he is indeed more capable than his door slamming sound man character. Artie plays and his vocalist sings, Love of My Life. Through the show, Gracie has forced George into wardrobe malfunctions, and in a final mix up, she has given him a sleeping pill rather than an aspirin. George goes into dream sequence where he experiences an odd mash up of the two girls in his mind, a combination of FeeFee and Gracie. Just to tweak the comedy factor, the dream takes a wierd turn when Senor Lee and the cast appear. Note: In the dream, there's a sneak reference to George's age. See if you can find it.

 Mr Keen – The Case Of The Ruthless Murderers. 491027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:22

Mr Keen gets a visit from a thug who he put into jail five years ago. He had vowed to get revenge on Mr Keen, but now he comes only to get information on the guy who squealed on him. Definitely a gruff thug who is a distasteful sort to Mr Keen. After the man leaves, the newspaper headline announces the murder of the informant. Now Mr Keen has a young lady waiting for him to plead for help. Her husband has been picked up for the violent murder. Yet another thug. Mr Keen agrees to investigate, but he warns the lady that if evidence proves her husband is indeed guilty, he will have to report that evidence even if it goes badly for her hubby. Suddenly there are three thugs, all notorious for being ruthless killers in the past, being accused, but they all couldn't have done it. Even known ruthless killers deserve a break, so Mr Keen has to sort through the details to pick the right one, unless he gets himself killed in the process. As ruthless as the suspects in the case may be, Mr Keen puts forth his best efforts to look at the facts with a level head. Still, it seems that at every turn more killers pop out to challenge the elderly, mild mannered investigator. He may not have the braun, or wise cracks of Boston Blackie, or George Valentine, but he still outsmarts his would be killers, just in time for the cops to pick up the reall mastermind behind this mess. The good news is that at least one of the tough ghuys seems to go straight in the end.


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