Jack Benny – Jack Gets Held Up. 451028

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the previous episode or two, Jack had been working with a publicity agent. Join in to review the stunts tha Jak has become part of to boost his ratings. Did he actually bet $85k on a horse race to tear down his miserly image? Radio news reports blast the hype about Jack that his agent has built up for him. Rochester leaks a few private tidbits to reporter, Mel Blanc. What actually happened at the track? Later at the studio, all the hype and news rumors have gotten around. His legend, and reports of his winnings are exagerated. Mary and Phil do their best to butter up the aledgely generous Jack. The cast is all present, including on and the telephone operators. Gertrude and Mabel gossip about Jack's love life. Larry Stevens talks about his honeymoon then sings, Out of Nowhere. Taking Jack to yet another publicity stunt, Rochester drops off Jack while he puts the car away. Waiting for him inside the house is burglar, Mel Blanc who demands Jack's ficticious winnings. Will Jack be forced to hand over the contents of his vault? Will the robber force his way past the dungeon like gates, and Ed, the Security Guard?